Hello all, This is my first visit to this site, and it looks like I have found the right place. I just received Xplane 10 from my girfriend for my birthday, along with a pretty cool set of flight sim controls. I am NOT much of a FS, gamer, casual at best. I am a private pilot, and love all things aviation, so my GF did her best to buy me a gift along those lines. Upon trying to install it in my very old PC, (2009 Gateway pentium dual-core 2.2G, 4G RAM), I am finding that it does not want to work very well. I was afraid of this. My girfriend does not have alot of money, and she is very sweet, and was SO excited to give me this gift, and if I can not use it, she is going to be crushed. Now, what I would like to know, is will a system I am looking at be acceptable for using x-plane 10. Now I KNOW that very few of you would EVER recommend a system out of the box from Best Buy. I am looking here for the following reasons: I am very tech illiterate. I haven't the knowledge, or time to build my own system. I am NOT a gamer. I do not need to exploit xplanes realism systems 100%, just a smooth reasonable simulation. Xplane will be the ONLY game I use this computer for. The rest of it's use will be normal PC functions. I have a Best Buy card, so the option of paying for this over 6 months is very attractive, and pretty much crucial. I know all of you here are very knowledgeable and savvy, but please keep in mind that I am not, and will be happy with a lesser xplane experience, as long as it is reasonable. Keeping all of that in mind, would some of you mind letting me know if this sys may be adequate for my needs? http://www.bestbuy.com/site/cyberpowerpc-gamer-ultra-desktop-amd-fx-series-16gb-memory-2tb-hard-drive-black/4300906.p?id=bb4300906&skuId=4300906 Thank you SO much, and happy holidays!