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Everything posted by omhar

  1. I paid for Skymaxx Pro a week ago but didn't down load. I tried to login to my account and download the product today. The site says security certificate expired and won't allow me to login and download. Could someone fix this problem please?
  2. Hi Denco, Could you list the three Windows 10 updates? I removed KB3176938 but the single digit FPS problem persists.
  3. No I was not flying Rolon CRJ. It was EADT x737.
  4. I also have a similar or the same problem as jujub. In the middle of flight cruising at FL360, FPS suddenly dropped to 4-5 fps. I checked HW monitor, GPU usage is around 11%( it usually is around 90%), cpu usage is 25% (usually it is around 100%). Looks like the low fps is the result of not fully utilizing my hardware capabilities.
  5. After updating to the latest SMP and RWC, I noticed my weather stays the same, e.g. at KJFK, it is always wind 03003KT, altimeter 2992 everyday all the time. What could be the problem? I set "grab real weather from net" in x-plane and "automatic" in RWC and am still using x-plane 10.45. Is this still the NOAA weather server issue?
  6. Thank you for your response. I was suspecting the same thing but not sure. So I tuned down settings in both x-plane rendering options and SMP. It seems more stable now, just finished a 14-hour flight without crash.
  7. I experienced many x-plane crashes in a row. All the log files indicate that crash happened while SMP is setting to new location or recreating weather. Enclosed zip file contains two of them and one related to Gizmo problem, where Windows displayed the crash msg too. Please help me understand the problem and let me know if changing the rendering or SMP settings can avoid the problem. Thanks. SMP_crash.zip
  8. Since my flights are simulation, my fatigue is also simulated. After a hard day's work, I get into my virtual airliner and load up virtual passengers. After climbing out runway heading, then I pour myself a drink. I'll drink vodka if you are not virtual Russian, then I'll feel really tired....
  9. I thought I attached last time. Hope attachment is successful this time. Log.txt
  10. Let me give you more details about what I did. 1. X-plane was running fine with SMP and Simple Seasons (by ShePooley), along with two other plugins (xgs and detaref editor) in my old computer. I built a new computer and then copy-pasted the entire x-plane 10 folder from old desktop to new desktop. In the process I was warned that the symblink(? or symlink?) could not be copied. 2. On the new computer, I deleted all preference files. X-plane could start and run. Then I saw the yellow msg. Thinking copy-paste may have messed up with license issue, I did an uninstall and reinstall of SMP. After that the x-plane won't start anymore. It simply sent a crash report. I am really at a loss as to what is the cause. Looking at the log file seems to point the finger at Gizmo, especially it restarted 5 times. Does x-plane automatically shut down after x times of restarting some plugin? Thanks for your explanation. LOL, I know the word "error" to a layperson like me could be very different from the definition used by a computer expert. No worries.
  11. Sorry, I don't know much about computer or x-plane. So if I see something in yellow saying something like "no prefs file found", "FAILED", "bad link?". I assumed these are error msg's, are they not? Are those messages entirely normal? Also in the x-plane log file, Gizmo keeps restarting just before x-plane crashes. I attach the whole log file besides the screenshot. Let me know what is causing the x-plane crash. Thanks a lot. Log.txt
  12. I updated X-plane by running the installer, deleted all preference files, and re-installed SMP 3.0. Now the x-plane won't start or crashes immediately after starting. What is causing this?The Gizmo error screenshot is attached. I appreciate any help.
  13. Does ASN use the server FS2k.zone.com to download METAR? My understanding is that this is not their server.
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