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Everything posted by JAdata

  1. Gather windows did the trick :-) Thx!
  2. Hmmm... I downloaded the latest and greatest Saab_340A_1.5.zip (containing a S340A-windows-installer.exe dated 2018-03-16 22:08) this morning and ran the installer. It stated that it was uninstalling the previous version, then installed the new one... Really followed the instructions "to the letter" AFAIK/can remember... I can certainly redo it and explicitely uninstall the previous/now current, version before running the installer... 10 minutes later - Cleaned out the old version "by hand", also removing the old GizmoLog.txt. Reran the same installer. Now, as you say, the problem is gone and "all is fine" - I do see the two "LES: Load Saab 340A..." lines in the log. But, that does give a possibility that the general upgrade path isn't always working as expected... But, since my initial installation was (partly?) removed by my first try, it's hard to regenerate the behaviour... One observation though - With the latest installation I'm unable to get the Gizmo Console to show... There is a GizmoLog.txt file and it says "Called: Console_OnShow", but nothing visible happens when I trigger the Console (top button on the right edge Gizmo menu). The other entries work, but the console is gone...
  3. Of course, if they for compatability first checks if the file is in sounds/, report it missing and then find it in sound/system/ I would suppose it would look like this... Haven't really experienced missing sounds, but haven't really listened for them either... :-) Well,, trying to keep the logfile clean is also a virtue, so I still think it should be fixed :-)) This is maybe not the place to "request" that, but some developer might be following these threads... Back to flying :-))
  4. Hi, just installed v1.5 and, by accident, saw that the GizmoLog.txt (and the Gizmo Console) was littered with erros like this: warng: 1288.371: sound.loadEx(): Error: File not found:(D:/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/X-Aviation/Saab 340A/Passenger Variant/sounds/toggle.wav) warng: 1288.374: sound.loadEx(): Error: File not found:(D:/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/X-Aviation/Saab 340A/Passenger Variant/sounds/toggle.wav) warng: 1288.378: sound.loadEx(): Error: File not found:(D:/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/X-Aviation/Saab 340A/Passenger Variant/sounds/detent.wav) warng: 1288.381: sound.loadEx(): Error: File not found:(D:/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/X-Aviation/Saab 340A/Passenger Variant/sounds/button_push.wav) warng: 1288.383: sound.loadEx(): Error: File not found:(D:/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/X-Aviation/Saab 340A/Passenger Variant/sounds/button_rel.wav) The sounds/ directory does not contain any WAV files in the latest distribution, but a group of sub directories containing the WAV files... So, I found e.g. the toggle.wav in sounds/system/toggle.wav, not in sounds/toggle.wav... I have added a support ticket on the issue, just thought I would mention it here too... I have attached my GizmoLog.txt file GizmoLog.txt
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