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  1. It was quarantining X-Aviation.xpl in McAffee. Paused the virus checker and refreshed licenses and that seemed to do the trick.
  2. After installing and activating the license I restarted the sim and the aircraft won't power on. Log.txt attached. Log.txt
  3. Thank you! That's the full deal right there. That will get me going for the time being.
  4. Does anyone have a good source on performance settings for the MU-2? I didn't see anything in the documentation provided about power, climb speed, V's and fuel-burn for example. Hopefully we see a simbrief profile for it at some point. Very much liking the aircraft so far as a lot of additional polish vs the V1 I had before. Mark
  5. I updated Gizmo to one of the newer betas and it cleared up the issue with the CTD. It also fixed persistent crashing in the 340A Saab as well. Very happy to be able to use the 340 and that the 737 is back!
  6. Still X-Plane crashed but nothing written in the log to show it crashed that I can see. Attached. Log.txt
  7. Will give that a shot and advise.
  8. Also experiencing crashes on 1.3 with XP-11 b9. The beta Gizmo crashed according to the log and then reverted to the stable version but still crashing. Log.txt
  9. Thanks Jan! I couldn't find an explanation in the documentation. I thought I was well under speed but at some point I just reverted to a V/S descent. Will keep a closer eye out next time!
  10. Just had an unusual issue with the IXEG 737 on cruise from KSFO to KPDX. During descent the VNAV turned off and produced a message in the FMC saying "VNAV DISCONNECTED". I tried to reconnect but it would light up for a second and disconnect with the same message. Did a V/S descent instead. Anybody else seen this or know what could cause it? Log attached. IXEG_FMS_debug.txt Log.txt GizmoLog.txt
  11. For what it's worth it looks like there is something broken in macOS Sierra with CURL which is impacting Gizmo. I've tried a few things to see if I could correct it but not knowledgeable enough to get into the plumbing and see what Apple broke/changed. I also had some installs that hung. Joys of using betas! I'm looking forward to Sierra going GM so the teams have a stable platform to work out any remaining issues.
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