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  1. Hi, I'm using X-Plane with a Lenovo Explorer. The IXEG 737 is not supporting VR on the official version. All controls are jerky and grabing a control like the flaps leaver always centers at the range of the leaver. I tried out the thresholdx.net VR mod, the controls are working fine, but the avitab integration is missing and there is an big issue with the lighting system. No floodlight is working. They modded the 733_cockpit.obj and change many control knobs to ATTR_manip_axis_knob. Is there any trick to get the floodlights working or any plan to get the Plane VR ready?
  2. Found the error, it was the good old wing vortex feature. It is destroing the VC when enabled. Old X-Plane 10 feature.
  3. Hello IXEG team, I have a problem with my textures in the flight deck. It seem they turn transparent after some time. You can't fly in this state. If you change the view they return to normal, but after some time they disapear again. Is it related to shadows? How can it be fixed? http://abload.de/img/b733_1apjqo.png Regards Gradl Log.txt
  4. I know the 2500k is and old cpu and the bottleneck on my system (fps counter shows that). I'm quite happy with the performance in overcast or broken situation, only storms/turbulence cause fps drops.
  5. Hi Skymaxx-Team, I'm a Skymaxx user since version 2 for X-Plane 10 and was always quite happy with the program. I upgraded to X-Plane 11 and version 4.6 this year and getting troubles with my fps in stormy conditions. I have constant 25-35 fps in all weather conditions exept storm systems. If im entering a stormy aera my fps drop sigificantly and I can only achieve 10-15 fps and my simrate drops (IVAO ATC starts yelling at me :-D) Is suspect the storm rendering of SMP 4.6 causing this drop, is there a way to disable, tweak in that area. It is the only big problem I have with SMP 4.6. Can you investigate, patch this ? Hardware: Intel i5 2500k @ 3.2 Ghz (old but working fine) GPU: Nvidia 1060 6GB RAM: 16 GB Weather: NOAA Plugin (default weather seems currently broken) Regards Florian
  6. Is there a chance to get a visual update before the systems update. The outside model is quite steril, no doors, hatches operating, textures looking a bit outdated (compared to Carenados or ROTATE SIM 4k resolution) and the ground equipment is plain ugly and connected trough invisible wires.
  7. Digital Gauges ... because most 737 Classic in Europe are fitted with them and I like 80s high-end electronics.
  8. Hi Guys, I have to report a bug, the logo lights is not working on the winglet model. Seem like the winglets block the logo lights. Regards Gradl
  9. Hello Sky-MAXX Team, with the new Version of SkyMAXX I have CTD Problems with the Rotate MD-80 again. The initial V3.0 hat the same issures, due to high RAM usage. After the update to V3.1 the problem was gone and combination was working fine. Now CTDs again (instant if I switch to outside view). The log file has skymaxx as last entry. Regards Gradl Log.txt
  10. Hi guys, thanks for the wonderful 733 ! I have perfomance problems with stutter, freeze after I enter a direct into the fmc. I know it's is a lot of computation in the backround, but it taktes me 10-20s till I can execute the direct and meanwhile the sim is a diashow. Hardware: Intel 2500K @ 4.0 Ghz 16 GB Ram AMD R 380X 4 GB Regards Florian
  11. Depends on the included liveries or wich will come out fast. As I do not like Lufthansa it will be an other European carrier. Air Baltic EVRA - EDDT DBA - Deutsche BA EDDL - EDDM Germania EDDS - LTAI goFly EGSS - LEAL
  12. Air Baltic is one of the last European 737 Classic Operators. They are waiting for their CS-300. https://www.airbaltic.com/en/fleet
  13. Hello SkyMaxx Team, it seem like SkyMaxx Pro causes problems on my X-Plane 10 64bit system (worked before). After loading up the Aircraft XFMC, X-IVAP and TS2 start normal but as it's trying to load the weather X-Plane crashes with a error report. If I deinstall SkyMaxx it loads up normally. Im using the NOAA weather plugin. log.txt
  14. Any chance that a payware developer (Leading Edge Sim) take over this project ?
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