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  1. Surprised to see this was not responded to. This is a very detailed aircraft, it is a shame you cannot use your georeferenced MAPS with it. Avitab was ok for its day (long ago) but have you seen the new tablets coming out with the new aircraft? A tablet with a performance calculator, balanced field length computation, and more is needed for such a high fidelity bird. Also it would be nice to have the engine sounds in the back with the speakers, and what little ATC there is to come through the headset...just saying...fine plane, but if x-plane won't do it, maybe HOTSTART will - it will only improve the product.
  2. I guess I will never get on. Tried 3 invites so far, always says expired. Maybe I 'm doing it wrong. Thanks for the try guys.
  3. I am sorry. By the time I saw the invite, it said it was invalid...
  4. Can I get an invite to the discord server?
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