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  1. I found the fix. To Download on Windows you need to download something here is the link. https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=48145.
  2. Please could someone help me. Across some instruments and other things in the cockpit of some planes in X - Plane 10. Also for payware products from http://store.x-plane.org/. There is no activation window when I first load up the plane all that there is is just the plane and a few floating instruments. On the Console which comes up when I load a new plane and start up X - Plane 10 there is a piece of red warning saying. 'shaders API: infoLog:WARNING: 0.3 ": #version directive missing' Please could someone help me.
  3. Hello, So I just purchased JRollon's CRJ - 200 and the BBS Sound Pack to go with it. I am really impressed with everything except for that most of the buttons and switches in the plane I cannot click or move. The Map and PFD are not showing anything and either are the engine instruments. The throttles do not move even when I add more throttle and I can hear them adding more thorttle. It even adds speed when I throttle up but still the throttles in the plane do not move. I have tried turning up the brightness on the plane for the instruments but still that does not work. Could some one please help me. Thank You. Sorry Thank You. Samuel.
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