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  1. Wow. Any chance of a Mac Version? This would be awesome
  2. The disconnect button on the mcp is not for disengagement of the autopilot in normal operation. It's for emergency in case there is a failure. You disengage the autopilot via the knob on the left handle on the yoke!!
  3. i'm not talking about you i'm talking about xplaneport having to say sorry for starting a topic about this and there are several other discussions here on x-pilot in general with the same thing happening. this is supposed to be a community where each one helps each other and if someon feels free to test betas with current products and adresses issues as "fyi" he should be able to do so. maybe there are other users with the same problem and already found a solution. besides that it's always good to know what problems may be coming towards one when the GM is going to be releases. it may be fixed in the gm or it may not be fixed. you never know.... for your question i've learned to take a deeper look into where curl library targets are set since there seems to be a adressing issue. the routine which failed to execute is one of the very base routines of the libcurl
  4. i totally understand you. instead of saying "thank you we'll take a look into it when the time is ready" you get bashed or criticised for providing somehow helpful information and to be honest this is really unprofessional. you don't have to be sorry. you helped me to figure out where the problem lays and where i have to look deeper into it and maybe i'm able to fix it since i know where to look at. Infos like you provided are really helpfull so thank you
  5. well that was quick. i hope you find a solution as soon as the GM is released. as for know i have to wait and ground the plane until it's fixed
  6. how do you explain then that it has been working with sierra the last weeks / the last month without any problem? as said i flew the ixeg since the very first beta of sierra and i haven't changed anything nor did i update the os. it's as if a switch has been triggered without doing anything...
  7. Yes I'm using sierra but it's been working since the very first day with sierra. I didn't do any updates yesterday and it stopped working suddenly. So it has nothing to do with sierra itself.
  8. Hi guys. I have the problem that Gizmo won't load anymore. it started yesterday. before that it was working perfectly Here's the part from the logfile, any ideas???: dlerror:dlopen(/Applications/X-Plane 10/Resources/plugins/Gizmo64.plugin/64/mac.xpl, 6): Symbol not found: _curl_easy_cleanup Referenced from: /Applications/X-Plane 10/Resources/plugins/Gizmo64.plugin/64/mac.xpl Expected in: flat namespace in /Applications/X-Plane 10/Resources/plugins/Gizmo64.plugin/64/mac.xpl it's definately something system related because when i load into my second partition os it is still working. Unfortunately the second is a old Mavericks install i mainly use for work where nothing else is supposed to be on it. Any help is much appreciated cheers Merlin
  9. it's the first time i actually realised it. the default aircraft never made me... so the effect musst be different
  10. After weeks of no joystick i did my first manual flight with one today and when i extended the flaps to 25 and 30 i was like really wow. This is actually the first plane to simulate this real nose down pitch behaviour in a simulator. I remember the days when i flew with my grandfather in his pa28-180 and he extended the flaps to full and this nose down pitch behaviour was felt in the whole body. I wish i'd have some hydraulic device to recreate this feeling with the ixeg. I'm more and more impressed with the realism you guys have put into this plane and i always find something new i like Big thumbs up
  11. I made a video to show you what i mean with the BMN1 90° turn
  12. Hi guys. I recently flew to EDDW (Bremen) and recognised a NavData Error. During the GIBMA09 Arrival the Legs are automatically programmed as GIBMA BMN GIBMA GIBMA09 Transition which means the plane will cross GIBMA turn to the BMN VOR turn back to GIBMA and then start the Transistion whereas it should start upon crossing GIBMA without the 2x 180° turns and BMN shouldn't even be in there. I manually have to delete legs for a correct arrival. Also there is a error with the ILS27 GIBMA27 BMN1 Transition. When passing BMN VOR the plane starts to turn left an doesn't follow the LNAV path anymore. It just makes a left bank and will do a 90° turn in relation to the magenta line. It should turn to the BMN/12 Leg but it seems like as if this point doesn't exist. It is displayed in the FMC but i even cannot select it to force a direct to, to it. It's somehow blocked even though it is displayed Somehow it looks like that any VORtypish legs like eg. BMN/12 at EDDW or the JOA/12 at LEPA (Palma de Mallorca) are ignored by the FMC. I think it's due to the Navdata 1607. There seems to be a coding bug. Cheers Jaessr *edit I went back to 1606 and it's the same.
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