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Everything posted by Gratil

  1. thank so much, I stay waiting have a good day
  2. Hey guys have you given solution to the problem of the coulored level bars (Power - Condition) in the TQ Status pop-up? because I have the same problem
  3. Gratil

    saab 340A

    Ben Russell great, problem fixed thank you, thank you, thank you
  4. Gratil

    saab 340A

    Hello I have sent you a private message. thank you
  5. Gratil

    saab 340A

    Hi guys, I have a problem with this wonderful aircraft, the problem is the following: once in the air, not on the ground, if I press "pause" or "alt r" for example, from the keyboard, a window with cmd.exe and tells "press a key to continue" and enter loop, falling off the plane x 10.41 do you know a solution? Thank you
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