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  1. As is also the case with the AFL King Air, the position of the AP on/off panel is down at the end of the pedestal which makes it’s extremely difficult for sim pilots to use safely. Unlike real life where your hand can quickly find the controls without looking, in the sim you have to look down and hunt with the mouse. In those long seconds when you are looking down, you can easily lose situational awareness. A very uncomfortable few moments which makes adjusting VS very difficult IMO.
  2. I just installed x-plane 11 on my new Mac and I can't get my rudder pedals to work on the MU-2. They calibrate properly but no brakes, steering or rudder movement at all. Downloaded the latest version tonight. Otherwise my favorite plane at the moment! FIXED! Don't ask..
  3. I still have the original release of the new MU-2B from a few weeks ago, and love it! I have the throttles working perfectly. I don't want to update as I'm afraid something will break. Will I have to reprogram the throttles or anything else in the new update? I figured I would wait for the GTN750 compatible version to upgrade it as that is something I'd love to have in the panel. Thanks for your hard work, it's my 1st choice on all my flights now.
  4. Ahh thank you! I'm not sure if I am switching off the ALT hold mode or not when trying the pitch knob. I have been successful using IAS mode for changing altitude since I asked the question. I don't have to touch the ALT button when I do that for some reason. I set the new altitude, (in every case), and then push the IAS button when the speed is where I want it and adjust the throttle to set the rate. Now I'll switch off ALT mode and give the AP pitch control a try. Thank you for a really really excellent and fun airplane!
  5. Thank you for keeping us updated! Really looking forward to this model!
  6. Actually I always use heading mode to get back to my GPS track so I can choose how aggressive to be in off course intercept, (my phrasing).
  7. The GTN750 really spoils you once you get used to using it. It's a great solution for desktop simulators, compared with the G1000. Hope it becomes available quickly.
  8. Really looking forward to this plane! Always loved them but never got a chance to fly it. I already purchased one on FS Economy and waiting for the arrival of this model. Needless to say, it's a day one purchase for me!
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