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  1. Turkish Airlines TC-JHU Livery for ZIBO B737-800 ver.3.31 And Above View File Turkish Airlines TC-JHU Painted by Nevzat OLUM. Submitter thy163 Submitted 09/29/2018 Category Heavy Metal Livery For https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/forums/topic/138974-b737-800x-zibo-mod-info-installation-download-links/ X-Plane Version(s) X-Plane 11  
  2. AnadoluJet TC-JFT Livery for ZIBO B737-800 or Default B737-800 View File AnadoluJet is a trademark of TURKISH AIRLINES. AnadoluJet Painted by Nevzat OLUM. Submitter thy163 Submitted 09/01/2017 Category Heavy Metal Livery For Click Here For Aircraft X-Plane Version(s)
  3. Version 1.0.0


    AnadoluJet is a trademark of TURKISH AIRLINES. AnadoluJet Painted by Nevzat OLUM.
  4. Version 1.0.0


    AnadoluJet is a trademark of TURKISH AIRLINES. AnadoluJet repaint by Nevzat OLUM.
  5. AnadoluJet Livery for IXEG 737-300 View File AnadoluJet is a trademark of TURKISH AIRLINES. AnadoluJet repaint by Nevzat OLUM. Submitter thy163 Submitted 05/09/2017 Category IXEG 737 Classic Livery For Click Here For Aircraft X-Plane Version(s)
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  6. Do not start another topic like that, XA will contact you like they already said.

  7. I want to re-download the Ixeg 737 product and re-enable the license. But as far as I understand, the x-aviation.com/support unit is not interested in this issue and It makes me aggrieved. As a result does not allow me to use a product I paid for. I bought two tickets and even bought more tickets using the "reset request" option. I bought two more tickets on the 25rd of the month. (Ticket #SBVV6 and Ticket #7JQS9) but However, despite the 3 days passed, the company has not solved the problem yet. Can somebody help me now for my problem. Why can I not use a product that I pay? Thanks
  8. Feel happy while using it, Unfolded Flights. Thank you Release Ver: 1.0.1
  9. Version 1.0.2


    Turkish Airlines repaint by Nevzat OLUM
  10. Turkish Airlines Livery for IXEG 737-300 View File Turkish Airlines repaint by Nevzat OLUM Submitter thy163 Submitted 06/21/2016 Category IXEG 737 Classic Livery For Click Here For Aircraft X-Plane Version(s)
  11. Version 1.1


    Pegasus Airlines Retro Livery (2008) by Nevzat OLUM
  12. Pegasus Airlines Retro Livery for IXEG 737-300 View File Pegasus Airlines Retro Livery (2008) by Nevzat OLUM Submitter thy163 Submitted 05/01/2016 Category IXEG 737 Classic Livery For Click Here For Aircraft X-Plane Version(s)
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