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  1. This company likes to take money from its customers...instead of offering free updates, every 7-8 months they create a new PAID version. If you want the new, you had to pay (50%OFF limited offer is the smart trick to take the unsuspecting customer). I bought SkymaxxV2 1.5 year later ($40), then V3 (+$20) then Real Weather Connector(+$20, wich software should be INCLUDED in the Skymaxx). Now, they want more money??? What a mercenaries! Im considering to get a different cloud software by now....
  2. After a lot of research, i found the guilty! The "URBAN MAXX V2 3D" doesn´t work well with the last update (X-Plane 10.41). It was killing my framerate. Just go to CUSTOM SCENERY folder, and delete the entire URBAN MAXX folder. The X-Plane will work just fine as it worked in the previous versions...
  3. Same problem here. X-Plane 10.41 is the issue I had 35-40fps in XP10.35 Now i have 13fps in XP-10.41
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