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  1. Functioning ILS would be high on the list of importance for anyone who wants to fly study level aircraft. I would laugh at this joke if the defect was fixed quickly, but this has existed far to long for that. I disagree. This is the biggest issue I have experienced with this plane, it's much worse than all the other issues and deserves a fix all on its own. X-Plane 11.50b2 came out on April 8, 2020. It's now December 24th, that's 260 days. I don't care if it's your fault or X-Plane's fault, it's your responsibility to fix.
  2. This is not the same problem I'm encountering. I have the engine shut down, parking break on (just to be sure), chalks in, I still cannot end the flight. I'm still working on debugging this on my end.
  3. Hi, When flying the Hot Start TBM 900 with FSEconomy I cannot end my flight. I initially thought to try to get this problem resolved through the FSEconomy forums, but no one has provided me with any ideas that resolved the issue. Since this problem appears only when flying the TBM 900 in X-Plane 11, and according to my search I see others here fly in FSEconomy, I'm cross posting here to see if anyone else has any experience with this or advice. I hope that's okay. Here are the details: X-Plane 11.50 Hot Start TBM 900, v1.1.12 X-Economy, v1.9.5 Aircraft rented in FSEconomy: Socata TBM 930 (MSFS) X-Economy aircraft mappings tried (all found on the aircraft model page from FSEconomy): TBM 930 Socata TBM 930 (MSFS) FSE TBM 930 Green I can start and fly a flight, but at the destination airport I cannot end the flight. Nothing happens when I click Finish Flight. Does anyone here have any ideas? Thanks, David
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