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  1. Wow, that was fast! And thank you, it works!!
  2. Hi! I can not get the disturbing beeping that you get if you turn off the autopilot to cease. I tried to google it and found something about pressing the autopilot button again. But it does not work. How do I get it to shut up?
  3. I am guessing it was the Saitek plugin that made it crash. I got tired of it and bought the recently released spad.next driver for X-plane and everything works after flying around for a good while around my home airport.
  4. No, I just used the installer. Maybe a problem with the path length? That would suck because it is a steam installation. I do have a X-plane 10 key lying around though. But it is a lot of work and my activations will be consumed. Hmm, that sucks. Is there a way to make the Saitek panel work without the plugin? I will disconnect it and remove the Saitek plugin. Will be back with results during the day hopefully.
  5. I am having the same problem. Everything starts up fine, but after like 10-20 min gizmo, i think, crashes. I did this over and over, sometimes I got up in the air, sometimes it would crash on the ground while I was pressing a button or turning a knob. The last time, with the appended logs, X-plane itself crashed. The gizmo log showed stack overflow on every crash. I removed a bunch of plugins to try to pinpoint the offender but am weary of removing the last of them because they have activation stuff. Maybe it is because I recently bought a Saitek Radio panel. I only flew the Saab a couple of times before and can not remember it constantly crashing. Any hints on what could be wrong would be greatly appreciated. Did anyone get it to work? I really like the Saab and want to fly it. GizmoLog.txt Log.txt
  6. Are you referring to my post? In what way was it strange? Don't be afraid to be more verbose so I can understand what I did wrong and adapt.
  7. Great. Looking forward to it.
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