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  1. Is SkyMaxx Pro v4.5 supposed to release today? Been looking in my email account and hunting online but can't find this update. Was hoping it would be available this morning, Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  2. I am running a Dell 8300 from 2010. Best Buy was selling these PCs with i7 2600 processor for around $700.00. I snapped it up. Over the years I have put in 16 GB system ram, an Nvidia GTX 760 graphics card and to meet the power needs I purchased an 850 W Thermaltake power supply, No, it won't fit inside the case in the spot the original 400 W power supply lived, so I put some industrial strength sticky backed Velcro on the top of my machine and affixed the power supply there. My overall CPU temp actually dropped a bit without a power supply heating up the case. I haven't had any issues cooling despite the big hole in the back of the computer where the power cables run to the innards of the machine. The cpu and graphics card temp don't miss the big fan on the power supply at all. Null issue. Power supply doesn't fit? just stick on top of the case. I also upgraded to Windows 8.1. Dell is notorious about putting proprietary connections on the motherboard but this power supply mated up perfectly. Since space inside the case is an issue I opted for the Nvidia card over an AMD r9 780, which is a faster card. But the AMD card is a little over 5 inches wide and very long. I just had no room in my case to go there. The Nvidia card is a little over 4 inches wide and around 11 inches long so it just fit comfortably in my machine. I realize this card is PCIe 3.0 graphics card and my motherboard is PCIe 2.1 but the newer cards are backward compatible and after checking there isn't a huge hit on performance. My monitor is a 23" Samsung LED. 1080P HD. I've had to play around a lot with my rendering options but I run at and get 40 - 60 FPS. Mind I fly an Alabeo UPF7 biplane and stick to small airports and back country/mountains etc. I do use HDR settings but cannot use any setting above 2x SSAA+FXAA. The 2x setting will drop frame rates to 26 - 30. I have clouds set at 66% "a good number", and I like to fly real weather so I get clouds. If I set HDR anti-aliasing to FXAA then I get 40 - 60 FPS regardless of clouds. Really smooth. I use a Trackir 5. Can't imagine Flight Simming without it. I am a licensed pilot but grounded now and probably forever with a stage 4 cancer. If I cant fly the real thing - computer flying really helps scratch that itch. So I like it as real as possible and the Trackir 5 is a must. I also use Saitek x52 Pro joystick and throttle and have the Saitek Pro Flight Rudder pedals. My graphics card has 2 gig of texture memory, wish I had 3 but no matter what I load that I can run at decent frame rates I don't go over about 1700 meg of VRAM used. I don't know how to attach screen shots to these messages so I'll run down my settings: I do not check compress textures to save VRAM. don't need to, plenty of VRAM. I run at full screen 1920 x 1080. Texture resolution set at Extreme res! I set Vertical Sync "on" in my graphics card settings and set frame rate lock to monitor at the refresh rate of monitor. I get tearing when I look around otherwise. Runways follow terrain contours checked. If I don't mention something it is unchecked. Trees "filled in". I fly mostly in the northwest so lots of trees. Objects and roads set at default. Cars set at "Siberian Winter" World detail distance and airport detail set at "high" Shadow detail "Overlay" though I can still get flyable frame rates with shadows set to global high. But that is in certain situations (flying, not landing or taking off) and not reliable. Hate to fly in to land and frame rates dive below 20. Hate that! Everything in SPECIAL EFFECTS checked. HDR anti-aliasing set at FXAA or 2x SSAA+FXAA. difference is 60 fps at FXAA and 30 FPS at 2x SSAA+FXAA. Generally. I set lateral field of view at Alabeo's recommended 75 deg. That works well with the UPF7 cockpit. And forward view with 3D cockpit checked. So, add up the price of a computer: $700.00 (in 2010) Joystick, throttle and rudder pedals: $280.00 Trackir: $150.00 Then purchasing planes and scenery and extras. Even so it is cheaper than flying the real thing. Not as good as the real thing, by a fair stretch but if you get a yoke or stick, rudder pedals and a tracker 5 setup it is really cool. I don't know how much time I have left -- the cancer is slowly eating me up, but I carve a hour or so a few times a week - after my daughter and wife go to bed and all is quiet I fire up the WACO biplane, and just fly. I would say put an envelope aside and label it FLIGHT SIM; then put money in the envelope as you can afford it. Try to save up enough to buy the fastest processor and most powerful graphics card you can afford. A 4K res monitor or the new iMAC 5k screen would be incredible. Can you imagine a 5k, 27 inch screen with an I7 most powerful processor driving it? Marry that with equipment and flying will be a lot less frustrating, constantly trying to balance rendering options to new terrain and airports.
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