"Lis", so I need to download"Vroute"? So I don't need Xsquawkbox,vatsim then? I am really confused I looked on some of the sites suggested and read all about Xponder,etequete,setup etc etc but nothing about how to actualy fly online with others. I also noticed when I went to an airport,say Heathrow,London that I cannot find ATC,tower frequencies,only runway ILS numbers.I see other aircraft taxiing but no sound etc. I know FSX was different in some ways so maybe I have a massive learning curve to understand how X-Plane works or its' limitations? thanks again! I downloaded "Vroute" and can see lots of data listed but how do I join their sessions(rooms)or am I off the track? Sorry but am totally confused.I have used online before and it was as simple as "join a game,room" and that was that!