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Everything posted by FlightSimX

  1. Any particular site in mind?
  2. Many thanks I've linked back to you from the site. Cheers, Mark
  3. Hi gang, I hope it's okay to mention this here. I've recently launched a new X-Plane Network at http://x-plane.ning.com/. It's a very different take on things than you have here and hopefully will complement the terrific work being done on X-Pilot.com. User are encouraged to share their hints, tips, favourites (and least favourites!). Developers are more than welcome to come along and promote their products. I hope to see you there!
  4. Count me in - I live only 5 miles from EGNT Mark
  5. Ah, so people do actually read my Twitter posts!
  6. I've also got the P92 and am really enjoying it Is there a G2XPL equivalent for the Mac? I do use it on my XP rig, but would love to be able to use it directly on my MBP. Cheers, Mark
  7. Howdy GlowWorm - fancy seeing you here
  8. Thanks - downloading now
  9. Wow! That's an incredible looking thing! Is it a free add-on? Mark
  10. Here's a shot from a flight between KDRO to KTEX - fabulous scenery and a really challenging high-altitude flight Mark
  11. Good luck with the new forum - I think it's a terrific idea I've given you a mention to help spread the word a little. If there's anything I can do to help, let me know! Cheers, Mark
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