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About rddaos

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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  1. Thanks.
  2. The aircraft used to be activated because I used to fly it often. But, maybe it has become de activated since I haven't used it in a long time. Sorry for the silly question, but how to check whether it is activated, and how to re activate it? Thanks.
  3. I just updated the X-Aviation C400 TT to version 1.5.2. Prior to installing this update, I have not used X plane in a long time .... roughly 2 years I think. My problem now is I cannot rotate the fuel selector knob - the knob won't budge. Any ideas? Thanks....
  4. Just curious how to know the landing/approach speed with full flaps on final approach? Is Vr (V rotate) the speed to maintain on final approach? If so, the CRJ pilot handbook only lists Vr for 8 deg and 20 deg of flaps, nothing for full flaps. Thanks...
  5. rddaos

    Saitek X52

    I bought the Saitek X52 and within a week of receiving the system, the joystick died. If I remember, I got it through amazon and they had a warranty, so I sent the system back and they sent me back a free replacement system. However, within a year (of EXTREMELY light use, only using it maybe once a week), that system also went bad. Often the joystick axes will go crazy and start sending erratic input signals to the computer. Also, the key I have mapped to the flaps gets a mind of its own and deploys the flaps in mid flight whenever it pleases. Just curious if anyone else had a bad experience with the Saitek X52? Thanks...
  6. Thanks Phillip. I can't believe I forgot to switch both knobs to NAV.
  7. I have a problem initializing the position of my CRJ 1.4.5. Everything is working until the point that I copy the departure airport coordinates into the scratch pad. Next, I click the FMS right select key 5 to set position, but nothing happens. I tried reinstalling, it still didnt fix the problem. Any ideas what might cause such an error? Thanks...
  8. Maybe this is a stupid question, but when performing an ILS approach with the autopilot on APPR mode, I believe the AP is controlling the pitch of the aircraft using the trim (i can see the trim continuously adjusting by the autopilot). When I am about 1-200 feet above the runway, I disengage the AP, but then the trim is not set to allow me to glide to the runway with the yoke centered - the AP set the trim pitch down, which means when i cut the throttle to slow down I had to pull the yokes all the way back to stay in the air and also I stalled when I was well above the stall speed of the aircraft for the flap setting. My only theory is that on final approach, i must reduce the throttle to slow the aircraft to about 10 knots above the stall speed so that the AP won't set the pitch so far down, is that correct? Thanks!
  9. Interestingly enough, you can see the body of his MU2 clearly even in the night flying screenshot, unlike on my machine, where night flying = pitch black can't see your hand in front of your face black. I have the brightness on my monitor turned up all the way. Still my aircraft are just faint sillouettes in a dark murky black environment whenever I fly at night.
  10. I think the CRJ200 should continue to be updated from time to time, as opposed to scrapping any further development. I personally would be willing to purchase future major updates of the CRJ200.
  11. Thanks Kieran, So it looks like only two softwares are really needed - a 3D modeler, and x plane itself?
  12. Guys just a question. Which software programs are utilized to create quality 3rd party aircraft for x plane? I assume a 3d modeling program to create the airframe and interior. But to program manipulators and flight characteristics, sounds, etc., I assume all that is done in x plane? Thanks...
  13. I am having trouble figuring out how to have enough light at night to make things look realistic. Using gamma = 2.5 makes night time so dark that it's literally pitch black - I cannot even see the battery master switch so I can turn it on to get enough light to start the plane up from cold and dark. With gamma = 2.5, things seem absurdly dark, so dark in fact, it's hard to tell where the land stops and the sky begins (ignoring the runway lights). Gamma = 4.0 is better, I can at least see a faint blue moonlight effect, yet it's still darker than true night conditions. And gamma = 2.5 just doesnt work for daytime conditions (gamma = 4.0 is waaaayyy to washed out and bright!!) See the attached screenshots with gamma = 2.5. Any ideas? Thanks...
  14. Thanks Phillip, The only thing I was missing was a tutorial that actually showed me how to change the airport. I had to find out through trial and error that I had to first use EXEC. I guess that while the tutorial is my friend, sometimes the forums are more friendly than the tutorial.
  15. Japo, I think I figured out the problem. It looks like you cannot change the airports until AFTER you make the flight plan active by pressing "EXEC". Does this make sense, or maybe my installation has a bug? Thanks...
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