1) it's been always like this?? i didn't noticed before, cause when i bought it after some days i didn't use skymax anymore, so i noticed this only now. as far as, it cannot be turned off from some option? ah about the radar, the radar of big jets clouds rappresents the clouds sees in the game? 2)he says that he and no one noticed before, it seems strange to me but, i don't think this is a problem 3)"The viper guy" is a consumer, i'm doing a big work on doing video to try to help work, and it's hard to me to write so much in english... but i think that is normal on the support forum to try to improve the plugin 4)yes, it's solved, but with overcast to medium or high i got slower fps with skymaxx than with default engine with clouds to 85%, so at the end i have to still use the bad default clouds, cause of the rain too the clouds are a loooot more beauty of the dafault, a lot, but with overcast to medium or high it's hard to get nicely fps