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Nima Razaghi

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  1. Greetings, Single channel ILS approach ( with one VHF nav receiver set to ILS frequency) is not simulated correctly, and in case you want to approach on single channel there will be no glide slope operative. you could only have an ILS approach if both VHF NAV receivers are set to the ILS frequency. I have tried it in variety of airports. thanks
  2. same thing happens to me when the ehsi is only set to plan mode or rose mode(full vor/ils), tried it with no plugins, and the problem is still there, and I'm using AMD graphic card.
  3. surely I will keep the windows closed from now on I do appreciate the time you spent in solving my issue. thanks
  4. "Thanks for your email! I am afraid that the best people to help you with this are the add-on developers themselves. I am sorry for the inconvenience here!" this is the response from Laminar
  5. I have contacted Laminar and they are investigating the issue. I found out something which may help to figure this issue out! This crash happens whenever the cockpit side windows are open during engine start! I liked to hear the sound of engines when lighting them up I started the engines with side windows closed and everything was ok till I landed. side window L2 affects the engine no. 1 and side window R2 affects the engine no. 2 whenever the engine reaches 20.2% of N2. first it mutes and then crashes.
  6. I removed those sceneries with plugins (OOMS and OMDB), and it crashed. and also I do not use AI aircraft, it's disabled. and no atc is used at all
  7. since other airplanes are working without any problem, I haven't contacted them yet
  8. Hello again, I deleted all the plugins and disabled zink and had the same problem, I reinstalled the plane and again crashed both with/without zink and no plugin, again uninstalled x-plane and the plane together and a fresh install, the issue is still here, only 2 flights I could do without the crash, but mid flight sound disables and only weather and environment sounds are heard. need to note that before x-plane crashes, sound becomes mute. tried other aircrafts like ini A300, genral aviation, and zibo, but they're all ok. the log I've attached now is no plugin, zink checked. sound cart is updated, graphic card is updated, windows is updated. GPU: AMD rx6800m CPU: Ryzen 9 5900hx RAM: 16 gb Log.txt
  9. I removed all plugins except ActiveskyXP, I had a flight normally and landed, as soon as I taxied in to gate X-plane crashed with no specific error in the log. The second flight again N2 problem occurred during engine start. the log says: 0:08:09.079 G64: error: Run(gui): bake_ehsi: [string "IXEG_52.lua.ra1"]:1279: attempt to perform arithmetic on field 'x' (a nil value) 0:08:09.173 G64: core: Run: [OnError] Log.txt
  10. I read, but didn't have a clue, thanks for your advice
  11. I will do and test it again, will let you know, thanks
  12. I've attached the log, this issue happens 95% of flights, with either APU or Jet starter. Log.txt
  13. I've been flying with the IXEG and it's always been great. I know the dev team is working on the bugs, but there is something very wrong with this x-plane 12 variant which I couldn't find in the forums. during engine start on ground, when the engine no. 2 speed reaches 20.2% N2, X-Plane crashes. Tried it many times, any idea how to fix this problem?
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