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Exporting flight plans from efass
ptwparkinson replied to ptwparkinson's topic in General Discussion
XFMC now gone . Deleted EFASS and downloaded again but having same problem --- new flight plan egcc to egll and -- export into the IXEG 737 and still the FMC does not show the way points --- will only show 2 which are HON and another one ---- !!! Very frustrating to say the least !!! -
Exporting flight plans from efass
ptwparkinson replied to ptwparkinson's topic in General Discussion
Exporting flight plans from efass
ptwparkinson replied to ptwparkinson's topic in General Discussion
Exporting flight plans from efass
ptwparkinson replied to ptwparkinson's topic in General Discussion
Still not exporting --- I created a new flight plan egcc to eglc and pressed export in efass --- you will see that it did not export the legs ??? Also why is LUA still showing in the plug ins when I have deleted form my hard drive ?? And could this be causing the problem This what I do press menu press fmc press pos in on lsr and put the position in the scratchpad then I press route and in wycliffes tutorial a line of empty boxes appear and you are suposed to put the pos from the scratchpad into the lsr which fills these boxes with the pos --- but the empty boxes do notr show on my fmc type in destination egcc and press top left for airport type in eglc and press lsr for destination which fills in the boxes type in egcceglc and press co route lsl and save then ececute and the whole flight plan shoud be there but all I get on therte page is HON and DTY and none of the legs -- the whole thing is weirder and weirder -
Exporting flight plans from efass
ptwparkinson replied to ptwparkinson's topic in General Discussion
Beginning t think the same thing actually . Will e mail Wycliffe and see what he thinks . -
Exporting flight plans from efass
ptwparkinson replied to ptwparkinson's topic in General Discussion
That is exactly what I have been doing and it never appears in the co route folder in the IXEG 737 ---- I press export in EFASS and it should automatically export to the 737 -
Exporting flight plans from efass
ptwparkinson replied to ptwparkinson's topic in General Discussion
This is a file or folder in the ixeg folder entitled IXEG_FMS_debug.txt ---- does this give any clues ( the other thing is that I can`t delete all of the flywithlua stuff --- maybe this is getting in the way ) path to this was X-Aviation to IXEG 737 Classic to IXEG_FMS_debug.txt ==================================================================================================== ROUTE SUMMARY ==================================================================================================== ROUTE STATUS: initial Using version: 1.0.6 DEPA: EGCC ARRA: EGBB CRUISE: None PERF: Data is not complete SID: None SIDT: None START: None STAR: None APPT: None APP: None DEP Rwy: None ARR Rwy: None Plane is on the ground Current Altitude: 25.8 ft. Route has no points ==================================================================================================== PRINT 2 SHELL OUTPUT ==================================================================================================== LNAV: TK: Successful Arrival airport match, EGBB loading procedures into arrA LNAV: TK: Successful Arrival airport match, EGBB loading procedures into arrA default: TK: Looking for coroute EGCCEGBB default: TK: Building list of all files in coroute folder default: TK: iterating 1 files for coroute: egccegbb default: TK: Looking for coroute FILE NOT FOUND default: TK: Building list of all files in coroute folder default: TK: iterating 1 files for coroute: file not found default: TK: Looking for coroute FILE NOT FOUND default: TK: Building list of all files in coroute folder default: TK: iterating 1 files for coroute: file not found default: TK: Looking for coroute FILE NOT FOUND default: TK: Building list of all files in coroute folder default: TK: iterating 1 files for coroute: file not found default: TK: Looking for coroute FILE NOT FOUND default: TK: Building list of all files in coroute folder default: TK: iterating 1 files for coroute: file not found default: TK: Looking for coroute FILE NOT FOUND default: TK: Building list of all files in coroute folder default: TK: iterating 1 files for coroute: file not found default: TK: Looking for coroute FILE NOT FOUND default: TK: Building list of all files in coroute folder default: TK: iterating 1 files for coroute: file not found default: TK: Looking for coroute EGCCEGBB default: TK: Building list of all files in coroute folder default: TK: iterating 1 files for coroute: egccegbb default: TK: Looking for coroute FILE NOT FOUND default: TK: Building list of all files in coroute folder default: TK: iterating 1 files for coroute: file not found default: TK: Looking for coroute FILE NOT FOUND default: TK: Building list of all files in coroute folder default: TK: iterating 1 files for coroute: file not found default: TK: Looking for coroute FILE NOT FOUND default: TK: Building list of all files in coroute folder default: TK: iterating 1 files for coroute: file not found default: TK: Looking for coroute FILE NOT FOUND default: TK: Building list of all files in coroute folder default: TK: iterating 1 files for coroute: file not found default: TK: Looking for coroute FILE NOT FOUND default: TK: Building list of all files in coroute folder default: TK: iterating 1 files for coroute: file not found default: TK: EXEC pressed ==================================================================================================== CDU KEYLOGGER ==================================================================================================== CDU Key: INIT REF CDU Key: MENU CDU Key: LSK 1L: <FMC CDU Key: LSK 1L: 737-300 CDU Key: LSK 6R: POS INIT> CDU Key: E CDU Key: G CDU Key: G CDU Key: CLR CDU Key: CLR CDU Key: C CDU Key: C CDU Key: LSK 2L: ---- CDU Key: LSK 2L: EGCC CDU Key: LSK 6R: ROUTE> CDU Key: RTE CDU Key: LSK 1L: ----- CDU Key: LSK 1L: EGCC CDU Key: CLR CDU Key: CLR CDU Key: CLR CDU Key: CLR CDU Key: B CDU Key: B CDU Key: LSK 1R: ##### CDU Key: LSK 1R: EGBB CDU Key: LSK 1R: EGBB CDU Key: LSK 1R: EGBB CDU Key: CLR CDU Key: CLR CDU Key: CLR CDU Key: CLR CDU Key: C CDU Key: C CDU Key: E CDU Key: G CDU Key: B CDU Key: B CDU Key: LSK 2L: ------ CDU Key: LSK 2L: ------ CDU Key: LSK 2L: ------ CDU Key: MENU CDU Key: LSK 1L: <FMC CDU Key: LSK 6R: POS INIT> CDU Key: LSK 6R: ROUTE> CDU Key: RTE CDU Key: LSK 6R: ROUTE> CDU Key: LSK 6R: CDU Key: PREV CDU Key: LSK 2L: ------ CDU Key: LSK 2L: ------ CDU Key: LSK 2L: ------ CDU Key: LSK 2L: ------ CDU Key: CLR CDU Key: CLR CDU Key: E CDU Key: G CDU Key: C CDU Key: C CDU Key: E CDU Key: G CDU Key: G CDU Key: CLR CDU Key: CLR CDU Key: B CDU Key: B CDU Key: LSK 2L: ------ CDU Key: LSK 2L: ------ CDU Key: LSK 2L: ------ CDU Key: LSK 2L: ------ CDU Key: LSK 2L: ------ CDU Key: LSK 2L: ------ CDU Key: EXEC ==================================================================================================== VERTICAL PATH DATA ==================================================================================================== No valid End of Descent Index, no data exported ==================================================================================================== DESCENT GRADIENT SUMMARY ==================================================================================================== Name dGrad1 dGrad2 dGrad3 IXEG_FMS_debug.txt -
Exporting flight plans from efass
ptwparkinson replied to ptwparkinson's topic in General Discussion
This is in notepad from the ixeg co routes folder --- does it make any sense to you ?? Kind regards Paul Woods . company = "IXEG", name = "DDHDDF", depA = "EDDH", arrA = "EDDF", depRwy = "05", sid = "AMLU7C", sidt = false, route = { {via = "DIRECT", to = "AMLUH"}, {via = "UM852", to = "ULSEN"}, {via = "T155", to = "ALOSI"}, {via = "T157", to = "KERAX"} }, start = false, star = false, appt = "KE07S", app = "ILS07C", arrRwy = "07C", rwyX = false -
Exporting flight plans from efass
ptwparkinson replied to ptwparkinson's topic in General Discussion
I typed your suggestion into EFASS for the path -- I put the 737 into the x-aviation folder --- still says file not found ( not showing on this attachment but I replaced the one shown ) The other thing is that on Wycliffe Barretts video he says Press menu Press FMC Press pos in Then I think you type into the scratchpad your departure AP and add that to top left -- this gives you co ordinates of where you are -- click the co-ords on the right and they appear in the scratchpad and then there should be empty boxes where you put the co ordinates from the scratchpad ----- well , I never see these empty boxes --- might this be a clue --- if I cant get this sorted I will just give up on x plane until x plane 11 is released and start over ---- how on earth will we move all our sceneries like the Horizon UK scenery and all of the payware AC , the free AC and free sceneries into x plane 11 --- and there is another whole question !!! -
Exporting flight plans from efass
ptwparkinson replied to ptwparkinson's topic in General Discussion
Exporting flight plans from efass
ptwparkinson replied to ptwparkinson's topic in General Discussion
sorry --- it says file not found in the FMC -
I have tried to export a flight plan from efass into the FMS and although it says export complete the it says in the FMS file not found ???
I really do not think that the blinking on and off of the heading ,speed , altitude etc windows will be in a manual nor the fact that the AC would not move when parking brake was on and power was increasing and that at one point only one of the thrust levers would advance by using the throttle lever on my throttle quadrant and this happened after I couldn`t move forward --- both throttles were working then ---- I have been reading manuals which are a great help and I have seen a lot of youtube videos --- but I believe ( and I could be wrong of course ) that these problems are problems with the AC model itself --- bugs in other words --- hey ho ---- I`ll see what happens when the hotfix 1.0.3 is ready and with us !!!
Had enough ---- lost count of the number of hours that I have wasted so far . Today -----loaded EGLL to EGCC into FMC No 1. Couldn`t find a SID for 27 R in the FMC No. 2.Thought I would dep 09L --- INVALID ENTRY So back for 27 R dep how can I save that plan as a company route ? No 3. Taxied out to 27 R where I decided I would set up the AP ---- stopped at one point then tried to continue and it would not maove as though the brakes were on --- fiddled and fiddled eventually was able to move No. 4 The windows for speed , heading etc etc etc were blinking on and off and was totally unable to tune any heading or speeds or anything else Pressed exit . I am trying really hard to fly this AC but whenever I do something else goes wrong . I have not downloaded the patch because I am afraid of it doing what it did last time and I had to redownload and reinstall the AC all over again . I will not be rude and start shouting again --- but I have come up against yet another brick wall --- 75 dollars spent plus what I spent on a manual that I didn`t want or need and despite the fact that in law you usually have 7 days cool off period and refunds should be accepted within the 7 days I wonder if this applies to downloads so I am stuffed --- and I wouldn`t actually mind if Cameron asked me for another £ 5.00 to be upgraded to the hard copy version --- but no --- I am just left hanging --- sorry guys to be moaning yet again --- but I have had enough and I am usually a very patient and fair kind of person .
I downloaded EDDM -- truly magnificent ---- but now I can`t find my x plane discs and I had not loaded Germany x plane scenery so the airport is surrounded by water ------ can`t find my discs apart the one which is already in the disc drive ---- and that scenery is on disc 4 ---- can I download scenery from the x plane site ? someone directed me to alpilot --- if I download from there do I need the original scenery that would have come with x plane or will the alpilot be stand alone scenery that does not need anything underneath it ?? And is this the scenery which Osamah is flying over ?? Sorry to be such a plank losing my discs --- they are here SOMEWHERE !!!