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Everything posted by ANEO

  1. NEW PREVIEW Sorry for the lack of previews BUTTTT here's our brand new GPU
  2. Hello .. I'm the head devloper of the Baltimore X scenery for X-Plane 10. We are aiming for a early 2015 release of the scenery. Every week or so the team and I will try to Relase a tease or preview to the scenery Anyone who has intrest in joint the devlopment team , you are welcome
  3. We still need people in the team guys
  4. I will still be in need of a 3d molder
  5. This is a short post saying I need help I'm Devloping BWI airport completly 99.9999% like it is in real life buttt... Between college and training I just can't get it done in a reasonable time I'm asking you guys for help, What I need Texture person .. One who can create really good texture (I have a few down now ) 3D Model ... Models stuff for us in blender , Sketchup , or what ever they use.. Please guy I need your help if you want a very good BWI airport
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