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  1. Hi, I recently got a new desktop and loaded X-plane. I downloaded the Saab 340A and IXEG737, but neither load correctly. I get the message above with both: "There was a minor problem parsing the VR Config...." The flightdeck controls don't work properly, (i.e. the flight controls don't move in response to control inputs) and there are graphic issues (i.e. both types of engine instrument on the 737 overlaid.) The Gizmo tray does not appear on screen on either model, and Gizmo is not present in the plugins list (though it does show up in the plugins directory) I had a similar problem briefly a few months back on my old PC with the 737 after a Windows reinstall, but that was cured by re-registering the PC and 'de-authorising' the previous ID of the same PC. In this case (new PC) the dialogue box asking me to register the PC and de-authorise another PC has not appeared. Any help appreciated!
  2. Enrit


    OK, problem solved! It was the X-aviation credentials. When it asked me to authorise the PC, I ignored it, since the same pc was already on the list of authorised devices. Presumably it didn't recognise it since I did a full Windows reinstall last week. Once I authorised it again, all is well now. Thanks for your help!
  3. Enrit


    Ok, I installed the Visual C++ files, uninstalled and downloaded the IXEG 737 fresh: some problems resolved, but still had some issues. I uninstalled and reinstalled the 737 again, but this time selecting stable Gizmo rather than Beta. Visually the flight deck looks OK, but some switches don't work, some of the flight controls don't respond to the joystick (though some buttons work) and the pop out menus on the left for ground handing & views are missing. Log file attached... many thanksLog.txt
  4. Enrit


    Many thanks - will try and report
  5. Enrit


    Hi, I just reinstalled X-Plane 11, and reinstalled the IXEG737, which I have hugely enjoyed flying since its release 4 yrs ago. On loading the 737, I get the following msg "There was a minor problem parsing the VRCONFIG: You may need to update the airplane or report this to the airplane's author. Please see the log.txt file for detailed error information." Log file attached. Also screenshot of the flight deck, showing overlay of the 2 types of engine instruments, and control columns with'floating parts' Many thanks! Enrit Log.txt
  6. That did the trick - all up and running now! Thanks for your help
  7. Hello, I downloaded and installed the BN-2 Islander. The switches don't work (ie. they don't move when clicked, although you get the clonk noise) , though the primary controls & power levers do. Tried reinstalling, after a complete re-download, but no joy. Also tried it with the stable version instead of the Gizmo beta 20, but again no joy. Gizmo log attached. Many thanks GizmoLog.txt
  8. OK, as suggested I extended the x & Y null zones from 4 to 7 %. Problem solved - no AP disconnects. This time, though, the autothrottle kept disengaging! about every 3 - 4 minutes. I've been using the IXEG 737 since April, and its only in the last few weeks these problems have occurred. So I will try a reinstall, and see if that works. Thanks for your help. Neil
  9. Many thanks, will give it a go.
  10. Recently I have had some problems with the 737. The autopilot disconnects every few minutes during the climb and cruise. There was no obvious reason for this; it did not seem to be linked to sudden changes of wind. I also notice that the trim during flight is very far forward, right on the front edge of the green zone, although I set it as per the FMC setting (3.4 on the last 2 flights, for a GTOW of 47.5 tonnes. When the AP disconnects, the plane wants always to climb, as if its tail heavy. I am using an Saitek X52 pro stick/throttle, and wondered if there was some problem with it, so I dis-assigned the 2 trim buttons on the stick (also the a/p disconnect button on the stick) and reassigned nose down/up trim and a/p disconnect to the keyboard, but the problem is still there. Any help greatly appreciated - I love this plane!
  11. Enrit

    GoFlight TQ-6

    Hi, Just a query about using the GF TQ-6 throttle quadrant with the Saab 340A... I find that I can assign 2 levers on the unit to the power levers and 2 to the Condition levers (the latter using the special CL assignment facility) , however, while the throttle levers work through their full range of movement, the Condition levers don't go fully forward, i.e. to the 'Max' position. Using the X-plane joystick & settings option to calibrate does not solve the problem...also one CL lever does not fully retract to the fuel cutoff position. any thoughts? thanks Neil
  12. OK, thanks. N
  13. OK. What is the best way to post the log txt since I can't cut and paste directly into the message, and I can't see a way of attaching a file. Neil
  14. Still having problems with starting the engines, as described in my earlier post. I managed to get them started yesterday without any problem, though I had other problems on the runway. But today we were back to the old problem - the engine start just wouldn't work. The weird thing was, although the engines were definitely not started and all the parameters were zero, (engine temp stayed at 32 degrees) when I went to outside view, both props were spinning - at high speed, i.e. not the gentle rotation you get on the ground from the wind! Any thoughts anyone?
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