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Hotel Papa

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Everything posted by Hotel Papa

  1. Sky colors thanks to Real Life X... Hotel Papa
  2. Incredible aircraft! Check out this video... it'll make you proud to own your Mustang. To fly her is to love her.
  3. enroute... KMRY to KRNO
  4. Hotel Papa

    Life at KLAX

    +1 Beautiful video! Well done... captures well the feeling that keeps all us "Simmers" flying! Thanks for sharing your talent, Hotel Papa
  5. Isn't she something? Ranks at the top of my list for twin-engine aircraft. Not only is she a beautiful site to behold, her flight physics/dynamics are spot on. Love the avionics package. Truly a pleasure to fly this pilot's dream... His Seminole also gets an A+ and I find myself flying her often... she makes a perfect addition to my twin-engine family. HP
  6. Speed brakes and reverse thrust buckets operate in tandem. When reverse thrusters are engaged, the reverse thrust can be seen (in the way of exhaust) from the cockpit. I very much like the setup... love this aircraft. You won't fly anything like it. HP
  7. ...comes with the latest release. HP
  8. Jason recently released his new Gulfstream II... absolutely stunning! I haven't been able to peel myself out of the cockpit since she became available. The night lighting is spectacular... really sexy work here. If you don't have this one in your hangar, you're really missing out!! http://www.c74.net/xplane/_aj_gulfstream2_HD.html
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