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Everything posted by kneighbour

  1. deleted - updated file
  2. yeah, just use the Standby Altimeter. That works just fine.
  3. Thanks for that
  4. Not much is mentioned about this function in the manual. This is it - "Fast-slow speed indicator Moving diamond shaped pointer in green, index in white. 1 dot = 5 kts, Fast or Slow index=10kts." It looks to me like an Angle of Attack (AOA) meter. Is this what it is? Can anyone explain - or point me towards the information. If it is the AOA indicator, then I favor using it for landings. PS. Finished flying for the weekend! I am guessing people here are getting tired of my posts - well this is the last one for a few days. Overall, did some nice flights in FSE with the 340a, but some terrible landings. Ah well, I will get better I am sure,
  5. No - fully zoomed out in normal flying view. I said "Scrollwheel operation does not seem possible" because choice of words on this forum seems very important. I did not want to imply that there was a problem., Just that I could not seem to get it to work on my system. No doubt it is a setting somewhere that I have overlooked. Scrollwheel operation DOES work on the Altitude selector, the Course and Heading selectors and no doubt other controls. But it is not working for me on any of the 3 altimeters. For ryanbatc, it seems that if you adjust the QNH on the Standby Altimeter, it works just fine. By dragging, I mean, not scrolling.
  6. Not on my system. Fully zoomed out, draggng the control to the far left of the screen adjusts the reading by 8 and to the right also about 8. The co-pilot adjustment is MUCH better. Movement to right about 110, left about 200 (it was not central). The scrollwheel does not (on my system) work with either pilot or copilot QNH adjustments. The baro settings on the co-pilot and pilot's altimeter are not synced as ryanbatc seems to imply.
  7. No problems.
  8. Mm....there is an attached image in the post I made. Not sure why you are not seeing it. Will attach it again. I tried setting the altitude to zero. It does not re-align the digits. I guess I was not clear why I included/mentioned the altimeter setting. I set a height on the Altitude Selector. It shows a non zero ending height. ie 9005 instead of 9000 (or perhaps 9050 instead of 9000). The autopilot then takes me to that height as set and locks on there. The image I attached is of the altimeter at that point. What that shows (to me) is that the Altitude Selector does not have a purely visual problem. The AP 'sees' the non zero ending height as shown on the Altitude Selector and correctly follows it.
  9. Because it is pretty hard to set the AP on climb, as an experiment I tried engaging the AP on the ground before takeoff. Not a good thing to do, as it turns out! As I applied power for the take off roll, the plane lept into the air about 50' into the roll. ie virtually instantly. I suspect that this is physically impossible. Pitch trim was at max. Weirdly enough, I managed to reset the trim and continue the flight. I am not saying this is a problem or anything - but I found it startling, to say the least. Another small thing is that I tie some hardware switches to the AP Pitch up/down commands. These are my results pitch_wheel_neg - this increases V/S pitch_wheel_pos - this decreases V/S to my way of thinking this is back to front, but it is not a problem - I just switched the commands on my switches. Lastly - I find adjusting the barometer nigh on impossible. I can drag the knob left and right almost the whole screen width and the setting will move by 1 or 2 if I am lucky. Scrollwheel operation does not seem possible. To fix this I tried using the XP commands barometer_up and barometer_down. This seems to work as my LUA script QNH_Helper says it is changing the QNH, but the cockpit indicator is not changing. Any hints in this area?
  10. Started XP today, and loaded the usual 340 Passenger variant. The Altitude selector was as it was set on my last flight, I presume. But offset as shown here. ie it had not reset when I loaded XP/reloaded the aircraft. I also noted that the autopilot/altimeter was reading the indicted height. eg see attached image. To me that shows that it is not purely a visual thing. So currently all my flights are showing an offset indication.
  11. Nope. It has happened on a couple of flights, so it was not a one of. I would not have asked if it was. When it happens next, will see what I did to trigger it.
  12. No problem. You will see that I am starting a few new threads on specific topics. Hopefully I am not asking totally naive questions but ones that will benefit other users as well. I use autopilots in other aircraft all the time. Also navigation systems. In fact, when I was in the RAAF I used to fix them as well. But of course that is not using them in flight. I just need to work out some of the differences in this aircraft. I am holding off on asking any questions in this area as I am sure a lot of my issues is just working out these differences and any comments I make will seem stupid. And no - I did not say I had trouble understanding your manual. Well, some parts, perhaps, but in general it is fine. The problem is taking it all in at once.
  13. I am somewhat surprised that so much is provided about the aircraft systems, but so little on how to fly. I will have to go through the Charts provided to workout the finer detail, but in the meantime, is the list below a fair summary (or rough outline) of the various flight regimes? BEFORE TAKEOFF [ ] Flaps -- 7° (1st position) [ ] Condition lever -- Max [ ] Trim position -- Reset? TAKEOFF AND CLIMB [ ] Thrust -- MAX POWER (not to exceed CTOT at 108%) [ ] Pitch attitude after T/O -- 10° [ ] At 500 ft and 130 kts IAS -- FLAPS UP [ ] Accelerate to 160 kts IAS [ ] Reduce TORQUE to 80% (above 15,000' ?) [ ] Engage AP with an initial ROC of 2000 fpm [ ] Maintain 160 kts IAS and 1500-2500 fpm ROC until cruise altitude CRUISE [ ] Reduce Prop RPM to 1330 rpm (see charts for exact setting) [ ] Reduce TORQUE to 75-80% [ ] Standard cruise speed is 197 kts TAS DESCENT [ ] Establish a descent rate of 1,500 fpm [ ] Maintain 240 kts IAS during descent APPROACH AND LANDING [ ] PROP RPM -- MAX [ ] Level approach flight (20-25 NM) is 210 kts clean configuration [ ] 150 kts and Set Flaps 1 (7°) below 140 kts - 15 degrees flap [ ] Passing the OM or 1500 ft -- Gear Down - Flaps 3 (20°) - Speed 125 kts (Vref+5) [ ] Disconnect AP before 50' above threshold
  14. Sure, and I am probably one. But reading 300pages of some pretty technical stuff and comprehending it all in one sitting can be a hard ask, especially for older chaps like myself. I have read every single word in the manuals, some many times over - but I can assure you that I still do not understand a lot. But that is why I like study aircraft. The study bit...
  15. I was wondering if it is possible to setup the EHSI so that we can display both GPS and VOR1?
  16. That really surprises me. How on earth could you fly such a plane (or indeed any plane) without reading the manual? I have read every page provided, and I still don't find it enough! What I really want is the Procedures manual - might ask the experts here for the basics....
  17. yeah - read that - not detailed enough. Nothing I can see in the manuals for what I want to do.
  18. Did my first real flight in FSE with the 340A today. From Langkawi in Malaysia to Ko Phuket in Thailand. Had a lot of learning issues with pitch trim and the autopilot. But apart from that flew very nicely. I am used to flying the PC-12, which is very responsive and darts around like a sports car. This plane, being bigger and all, is quite different (but in a nice way) I found it rather weird controlling taxi speed with the beta, but it works well. The ILS approach into Phuket worked perfectly. All in all a very nice flight and looks like a good earner in FSE. The pretty low fuel burn and high cruise speed is just what you need to earn money. Now I just need to work out how the navigation and autopilot system works.
  19. Just to let other users know - if you use the XP command 'pitch_trim_takeoff" (basically set to default setting), then in the 340 this sets the trim to the top of the green bar. I am guessing that this is max back trim. It is certainly not takeoff trim. The Pitch Reset button (and the CMD 'pitch_reset') is the replacement command. I am guessing that you need to setup XAssign to remap all these commands.
  20. Not a big issue at all - but is there anyway to 'reset' the digits in the altitude selector so that they line up. Some flights they are fine, some not. No idea what puts them out of alignment.
  21. That is good news indeed! If I could also suggest - it seems a good thing if you could map as many commands to XP as you can. For example, the hardware switches I have setup to toggle the lights (landing, taxi, etc) and 'Fast Seat belts' no longer work. I am guessing that a lot of us do this.
  22. Ok - will try to use the word 'issue' in future. To be frank, no, I do not feel comfortable providing feedback. Might use the online/email support a bit more.
  23. Because for every other aircraft, I have a yoke button mapped to 'servos_fdir_yawd_trim_off'. I can certainly map this button to whatever the custom command in the 340A is. But then I have to remember that, then remember to change it back when I fly some other aircraft. Not an insurmountable problem, of course. And I might eventually have to use something like Xassign, I guess.
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