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Everything posted by kneighbour

  1. Sorry - merely a typo. I meant "takeoff", not landing. Just as in the video. I did not consider it a bug - nor even a real problem. But if it is not supposed to happen, then I can confirm that it does indeed happen.
  2. I get this quite often myself. Usually on the 2nd or 3rd landing takeoff of the day, ie never on the first one. In my case I only fly the SAAB, so a previously loaded aircraft is not the problem. I usually retract the gear at about the time as in the video - having established positive climb and no chance of landing straight ahead.
  3. also found this rather good tutorial. It is for FSX, but it seems like it might apply here as well https://www.sugarsync.com/pf/D7938372_93809022_881009
  4. Not always true. I have good (and very detailed) manuals for the A320, PC-12 and the B1900D. But I agree that there is not much around for the SAAB 340.
  5. I have wondered (and asked) the same thing. I could not even find one via the services of Google. If you do find such a beast, I would also appreciate a link.
  6. Was just wondering if there is an update due out soon? I did a couple of flights over the weekend, and both times the engines would not start. Also - rather a trivial request, if I may. In the main cabin, some (all) windows have blinds that seem to appear at random positions (ie open, half open, closed). I have a couple of views from the cabin and often these blinds are closed. Could these be left open or as positioned?
  7. You are quiet correct. What I do is setup two toggle switches on my Saitek X-55 throttle quadrant to set the Heading and Course. I do the same with the autopilot connect/disconnect as they are very hard to operate in flight. I also have a button on my mouse setup to move the Heading bug to the Current Heading. Very useful, especially as the movement of the heading bug is pretty slow in this aircraft. I really need some more switches as I would also like to setup CRS2 as well...
  8. Sorry. Just thought I would chip in here and say I get no noticeable fps drop at all with this aircraft. I too hover between 20-30 fps so am very conscious of framerate. It was one of the most pleasant surprises with the 340A, especially after previous versions were so problematic in this area. In my experience, weather is the bigger variable on my system.
  9. For me, no, this is the only aircraft I have loaded. Yes, this happens to me
  10. indeed I do!
  11. Well, of course. But is less than 500fps (like 200-300 fps) normal?
  12. Sure - I should have thought to mention the different Climb settings. But are very low climb rates (<500 fps) at these heights normal?
  13. I am having trouble flying this plane at the stated service ceiling of 25,000'. In fact, I have never got there. The most I have been able to squeeze out of it in a reasonable time is 22,000'. I usually use the Climb function on the autopilot - setting the speed at L (140kts). When the plane gets to around 15,000', this means a climb rate of around 1000 fpm and dropping. At 18000', it has dropped to around 500 fpm or less. So climbing to 25,000' will takes ages with the climb rate approaching 0 all the time. If this is normal, then not a problem - I will just fly at 17,000' or so, which is achievable in a reasonable time and with only a little effort. I realise that there are several variables involved here , but we can assume 50% fuel (or less) and 15 passengers. A fine sunny day in Queensland and CL either to Max or 1330 (does not seem to make much difference). Torque set to 60-65 (pretty much maxxing out the Temp).
  14. This happened to me once also. One axis assigned itself to 31 as per normal. The other axis assigned itself to some random (10,11,12) axis and subsequently would not move. Reassigned several times and finally got it onto 32 as it always does. Still would not work. Had to reload XP to get it to work as normal. They ALWAYS assign to 31 and 32 on my system, so if they do not, I know something is wrong.
  15. excellent! Just on a positive note - on the last couple of flights I have used the OBS function on the GPS - worked perfectly! Very pleased with that as sometimes this is stuffed up somehow. Perfect tracking. Well done.
  16. A number of us seem to have this same issue. It does not happen enough (for me at least) to discern a pattern or what might be causing the problem. Could you perhaps provide more information on what might lead up to the problem? In my case, I am certain the Condition levers are located at the Start position. Apart from that, not much of a pattern.
  17. I was in the climb at some height (FL150 or so climbing to FL200) when I pressed the Vert Sync button on the captain's yoke. I then got a gizmo command window up with a whole lot of errors in it. I include the log files I continued on for some time, but the plane was basically uncontrollable after that. Nothing worked (ie throttles, etc), so basically gave up and quit X-Plane. I am hoping this is a one of, but include this information if it might be of some help. GizmoLog_error.txt Log.txt
  18. Thanks - good to know that.
  19. I have amended my checklist to reflect this order. I do have one small question, if I may? When you start the Left engine, then do the reset on the L gen but before you disconnect external power, how do you know that the L Gen is working? The generator only seems to come online AFTER you disconnect external power. The DC panel meter shows the generator output at 0.
  20. For me it has always been the first flight of the day. I am only flying the 340A, and I do nothing special with assigning axis controls.
  21. Funnily enough, the Copilot's system works as per normal. And for other users, one way around the issue (on the Pilot's side). Align the Course needle on the HSI with the GPS in VLOC mode. This works as normal and the MSG indicator on the GPS will go out as you align the HSI. Then switch the GPS to GPS mode and all is well. The Course indicator will be correct and the GPS MSG indicator will be out.
  22. As a software developer myself, I can appreciate your desire for a perfect world. Perhaps if you approach the problem from the other direction. What conditions will stop combustion, and perhaps just as importantly, what makes the engine motor until the heat death of the universe? The motoring problem would not be so bad if it stopped in a realistic time, and as I imagine it does in real life. Then the start could be attempted again. Perhaps I can check these inputs before each start - perhaps even putting some variables up on the screen (if possible) to check. Mere suggestions
  23. Had another 'dry start' last night. First flight - ie just loaded up X-Plane and first and only aircraft loaded was the 340A passenger variant. This time I checked the Condition Levers with the Trq Popup. They were EXACTLY on the line, as was the throttle. So misalignment there does not seem to the the issue. Once I reloaded the aircraft and started ok, I had another 'problem'. As soon as I started the Left engine (first), the hydraulic pump came on and stayed on (I was not sure what that sound was at the time, so I took off). I took off and after a short time I got a Hydraulic system failure on the fault panel. I turned off the Hyd Pump manually and all was fine. Hydraulic pressure was 0 though. If you turn the pump on, it fires up and the pressure goes from 0 to 2900 ok. But the pump does not turn off. I turn the pump off manually, and all is fine for a few minutes. But the pressure bleeds out, so after a short time (minutes), the warning light comes on again. I fired it up just before landing to get pressure in the system for the landing gear/flaps and landed ok. Image 1 is early in the flight. 0 in the Main Accumulator, and the Mechanical Accc normal. Image 2 is near the end of the flight. The Main Acc had been pumped up and is slowly dropping down to 0. The Mech Acc is right up - so do not knows what that means. I only mention all of this in case it has some bearing on the engine start issue. Having a fault in flight like this is really nice - very nice touch if it was a random failure.
  24. Have you tried X-Camera? It is the best thing since sliced bread. https://www.stickandrudderstudios.com/
  25. I have a new version up there. Basically now start with the Left engine first. Starting manually is pretty easy (as long as it starts). You don't need to worry about fuel pumps or anything.
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