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Bill Grabowski

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About Bill Grabowski

  • Birthday 06/29/1946

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    Medina, WA

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  1. Then it is confusing to have a switch for display brightness that indicates it can be rotated, but doesn't actually do anything.
  2. Tom, Looks like an ERJ. Are you building one? Bill
  3. Cameron, Thanks for the help and pointing me in the right direction. The CRJ does indeed look for libGLEW.so.1.6 but cannot find it because the latest Ubuntu uses libGLEW.so.1.8 . The easiest way to correct this is to create a symbolic link. libGLEW.so.1.8 on my system is found in directory /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ . According to Philipp, "... first load the libraries locally from the liblinux/ subdirectory of the plugin before it goes to the system location like /usr/local/lib/ /usr/lib/ and all the others. So you can safely try this without screwing up anything else on your system." This directory is located in the CRJ installation location at : X-Plane 10/Aircraft/X-Aviation/Bombardier CRJ-200/plugins/CRJAvionics/64/liblinux/ Therefore to create the symbolic link, move to the above directory in the terminal command line then enter : ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libGLEW.so.1.8 libGLEW.so.1.6 For the link command the absolute pathname to the linked file is required. To test for the link, enter : ls -l libGLEW* ... which should produce : lrwxrwxrwx 1 bill bill 40 Dec 29 23:53 libGLEW.so.1.6 -> /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libGLEW.so.1.8 And bingo! It works! The displays now ... display ... but the display light switch still does not function. Bill
  4. I installed the latest update of the CRJ 1.5.3 into X-Plane 10.25 64bit in Ubuntu 13.10 Linux, but there are no functioning displays and the display brightness control does not work. The 1.5.2 version had a similar problem. Suggestions? Solutions? Attached is log.txt file. Bill Log.txt
  5. Dear Mr. LowTransition (you must be famous and need to hide or just shy ... anyway), I have just discovered your Lopez Island Airport, and it gets my vote as one of the best, if not the best, airports done for Xplane. Since I've actually been to this airport, I can attest to its quality. Well done, LowT!! (Actually, that's a great nickname! Pun intended.) Bill
  6. Well done Chris. I like KGEG a lot! Keep up the good work. Bill
  7. Most excellent! Keep up the work in Washington state. Bill
  8. Ben, Hmm ... the CRJ flaps, spoilers, and gear all work with the replay mode, and I would consider the reversers to be a major subsystem, so it's not something "I would not want to see" in operation in a replay mode, which I use frequently and consider a major advantage of X-Plane over its main rival whose name will not be mentioned. I would guess the reversers are controlled by a boolean variable whose value shouldn't take much memory, and the reverser display code should be an existing function easily called. But ... I'll take your word for it and I'll "imagine" the reversers. A minor but quite noticeable omission as I hear the engine thrust increase while the airplane slows. Bill
  9. CRJ Team, Before I hit the topic, I just want to say that after several flights in both Win 7 and Linux, I am impressed. You get 5 stars for realism and usability, and I love flying the CRJ. I'm also impressed with the manual. It really gets the info out in an clear, informative,and easily read style (I'm 1/3 the way through it, but worth it). Well done! The one thing I've noticed so far is that in replay mode the thrust reversers aren't seen to reverse. This is a small bug admittedly, but was also present in another commercial RJ for X-Plane, and there is a solution. Thank you for your excellent work! Bill P.S. I also note better frame rates in Linux than Win 7, but I have not yet found a way to use my TrackIR and PFC yoke, pedals, and quadrant in Linux, and they hugely add to realism.
  10. "... to install a free operating system that is relatively easy to install and is known to provide more FPS with little hassle once you get it going..." Interesting. Are you saying that Linux will provide better performance for X-Plane and the CRJ than both Mac and Windows? I installed Ubuntu on my Win 7 machine to try it out (it's what you do when you get bored), and so far I perceive that what you say is correct. X-Plane seems to actually run faster, and installation was certainly easy and quick for Ubuntu. I'm sure the CRJ will run well on Ubuntu, but I'm holding on buying until a later release, while following these forums. I could not get the CRJtester to run on Ubuntu, but did on the Win7 side. Please ignore the occasional idiots who post derogatory remarks. There will always be those 1% who are too stupid/ ill mannered/ crude/ obnoxious to be admitted to polite society. Be amused by them (I know ... it's difficult). Bill
  11. lis (doesn't anyone have real names anymore) :'(, Thank you for that knowledgeable reply, "Oh Learned One". ;D Bill
  12. I hope there will be a pilot in the cockpit as seen from outside views. Having an airplane flying itself without humans looks... weird. Bill
  13. This suggestion for a future update would be 1. more realistic and 2. easier to see the position of the ignition. Also, the mouse zone over the ignition doesn't indicate possible actions; there's only one mouse icon, a hand. I suggest either a mouse zone where a left mouse press turns the key to the left and a right mouse press turns the key to the right, or a plus/minus mouse zone, or a drag mouse to left or right. Also, is the primer button really functional? Could there be better mouse indicators here? Bill
  14. LA, I've never seen that on any checklist I've ever used and I did not find that in the POH or on the checklists from the POH, so I have no reference. If you have info from Cessna on this procedure and the reasons, I'll look at it. Bill
  15. I decided to make my own checklist to manage the fairly complex Corvalis environment based on the POH supplied with the JGX-Designs Corvalis. Below is the link to the .pdf. https://home.comcast.net/~wsgrabowski/JGX-Designs%20Corvallis%20Checklists.pdf Any suggestions for improvement are welcome. This file may be used freely. Bill
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