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  1. Hi Everyone, I'm a long time viewer of all things flight simulation on the net and user of various flight sims. I've been using Blender and GIMP for a while now and thought it might be time to try to make something for x-plane. My aircraft of choice is the Bristol Beaufighter and as you'll see in the attached screens I've made a basic start. It's a long road ahead, but I'm hoping to at the very least show updates once monthly. At least I'll feel compelled to now that I've said that publicly I know the attached images aren't anything amazing but at least proof that there's something in the works. Thanks to Tonka and Guy for their assistance thus far, I'm sure there'll be many other calls for help along the way. Cam
  2. Thanks for all the advice gents, it's greatly appreciated. I'm currently learning how little I know for specific purposes in blender.... But learning a lot at the same time I'll post some images when I have something even vaguely worth looking at. Congratulations to both of you for some outstanding work - both the Jag and the Comet Cam
  3. Tonka and Guy, Thanks so much for all your advice above, I have to admit I have always been a bit tentative to post on forums and as a result hadn't until now. Your willingness and enthusiasm is such a reassurance for a noob like me! I'm in the process of starting a beaufighter (the RAAF version as that's where im from) and will hopefully have something to show in the coming weeks ( fingers crossed). In the mean time I'll be waiting to see more from Tonka the polygon master Model on! Tin Cam
  4. Hi Tonka, Thanks for posting this incredible work. I'm just getting started in the world of making my own xplane aircraft (this is my very first post on the site actually) and would love to learn more about how you optimise your geometry to get the kind of performance described above. I'm comfortable with the requisite programs (Blender, plane maker, GIMP, Sketchup etc) but don't know anything about making stuff that looks that good deliver great frame rates. Looks like it's off to trawl the forums for advice! Thanks again for posting your exceptional work and I'm really looking forward to flying the finished product. The Jag is an old favourite of mine too TinCam
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