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  1. I have the same experience. I have XP11 full version, i7 on 5.1 GHz, GTX 1080, 3x LCD. The graphic performance of XP11 is definitely worse then XP10. I hope for future improvements.
  2. Nice, but try to increase resolution. 1 LCD is piece of cake for your combo. what about 3 LCD and 3x higher resolution. I have i7 at 5.1 Ghz (watter cooling) and cca 5000 x 1500 px 3 LCD combo. it works, but....i am thinking about new VGA (now GTX970 on board ). GTX1080 perhaps.
  3. Hi. Every new update will bring us a new bugs. I am pretty tired to provide to IXEG beta (or gamma?) testing services (as well as dozens of "happy" owners of this add-on).I am not a tester, i am a add-on license owner, dear IXEG, i want simply just use it and fly. I have never seen such buggy flight add-on. Ok, what is my issue after update to 1.07: when i will change view, from cockpit to circle, aircraft will shutdown all systems. only reload or reboot will recover all systems running. looking forward for 1.08. Thank you.
  4. Hello. After the B737 release for X-Plane , I could not resist and I experimentally linked several B737 controls to my MCP: https://youtu.be/NlWTajGvttM Note: the first part of the video is focused on FF B767 Pro.
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