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About michelebk117

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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  1. Thanks You so much Cooley for your time and the link ; just wonderful !
  2. Cooley I cannot thank you enough for all this information and your time. I can now try to operate the aircraft the right way and that is great. Many many Thanks !
  3. Cooley, that will be fantastic ! Thank You so much for your time! I am trying to get hold of performance charts, flight patters profile ( Visual, Non Precision, ILS, Single Engine ) and SOP but I haven't had luck so far. Many Thanks
  4. Hi I am looking for performance charts for the Jetstream 32 to determine the V1, VR, V2 speeds, take off and landing distances, and also flight patterns for visual, non precision and ILS approach. Could any real J32 pilot help me ? I would like to fly this beautiful baby the proper way without guessing so much............been a real pilot myself I love performance charts and correct procedures ! Many Thanks
  5. Thanks JimboG, but the speed I am looking for is called Vr ( rotation speed ). It is the speed at which you start to pull back on the yoke during take off. It varies with the weight of the aircraft, flap configuration etc etc. Thanks anyway !
  6. Can anyone give me the indicative rotation speeds for the Jetstream 32 at full, medium and empty take off weight ( sea level ) ? Anyone have some performance charts to share ( Take off and Landing performance, etc etc ) ? Many Thanks !
  7. Absolutely great work. Take all the time you need to deliver a state of the art product. I am definitely going to buy it. Michael
  8. Great work. I really hope it replicate the real Beaver to the core. The texture and modelling looks great and I hope it will show flight characteristic very close to the real one. I think what makes the MU-2 still the best selling aircraft is that Tom did indeed flow it many times and got the feel for it and replicated it in his project. He also pointing to perfection and the new updates will show the love he has for the MU-2. Many developers, although produce the great models and some even accurate systems, did not fly the real things and they lack the inner understanding of how the aircraft feels. Keep up the excellent work ! Michael
  9. Thanks for the update. Take care of yourself and family and get things sorted without any hurry. We will be here when you are ready ; we love the MU- 2 ! Michael
  10. Hi Tom Hope the MU-2 update is out before the 1th of January. Regardless, My best wish for a Happy New Year ! Michael
  11. Tom Will this be the year of the Caravan C208after the Mu update ? I am asking since I want to build a sim cockpit and I need to choose between the Mu or the C208. How faithful it will be in terms of performance and systems ? Will the systems of the Mu been upgraded too ? Many Thanks for your time.. Michael
  12. Thanks Pity That is an area which has not been developed at all and could have a lots of potential customers. Maybe with X-Plane 10 things will change...... Thanks
  13. Hi Anybody knows some high quality glider for X-Plane ? I am into gliding and I really hope the new weather system of X-Plane 10 will be a bit closer to Condor when it comes to thermals etc. Many Thanks
  14. Beautiful work. So far I am impress.
  15. I am glad to hear that ! We really need a real simulation where we can learn how to operate and managing the 737 systems as per FCOMs and where careless setting and flight will result in potentially dangerous consequences. As I delve in the operating of the PMDG I am very please with the amount of details and the reality of the systems. It seam your creation will follows the same path so I am definitely on board. Thanks again !
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