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About Wolfgang

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Hello together, I just bought the Mooney and made this video.... I think the Mooney is nice created up to the plug field in the right corner of the front panel(I think it isn´t realy 3dim). The music for this video is self composed. I want to show the feelings of the flight... I hope You will enjoy it... I would be nice, to get some commends about it. Many thanks....Wolfgang
  2. Hello again, after installation of the Duchess, the texture of the windows from the outside were nearly the same as the seats from the inside. That is why I wrote a destructively review... Inbetween my opinion has changed about 180°. I requested Cameron to remove that text from the list and now it desapeared. Because of my bad consience, I made this video... I hope it makes fun... p.s.: I composed the music by myself.. Greetings....Wolfgang
  3. Hello together, I tried to make my first Video. It shows the Cessna in the near of the Meteor Crater/Arizona. I wanted to express my feelings on the flight. Geetings....Wolfgang
  4. Hello, I want to describe my feeling concerning the x-aviation 50% off campaign. In the past I sold nearly every plane at normal price and now I fell myself a little bit messed around !! The second point is the ...comming soon announcements of Real Scenery concerning Northern California and Oahu for already three month. I think You should at least publish a demo ! :'( Greetings...Wolfgang
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