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Everything posted by pipit

  1. Don't worry, I have a 6 cores/12 thread i7 3970X CPU and the Titan 6GB GPU, with 32 GB of ram and all that goes well with ... Still see bad perfs in X-Plane. But that isn't specifically due to SMP but X-Plane is or very badly optimized or require way too much resources to run smoothly at high settings. With medium settings I run around 25/30 FPS on normal environment and with an up to date plane... I have the feeling that even with four Titans in SLI, two CPUs on a Xeon MoBo etc I wouldn't see any improvements in X-Plane behavior regarding FPS... The funny fact is that my GPU use never go above 35-38 % and the CPU is constantly idling between 7 and 18-20 %... very frustrating for such an expensive gear, hope X-Plane 11 will only focus on stability, optimisation and stuff like that.
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