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  1. These are for Friction Control for the Throttle and Condition Levers. They are working. Move them full forward with the Mouse and you can't move the Levers anymore.
  2. Since the use of Gizmo is removed for the Islander BN2T, will other Products follow? Is there a Overview, which Product uses Gizmo and which not? I have the Mitsubishi MU-2 (need Gizmo), the RSG 500 Suite (?) and the Douglas DC-3 V2 (?) in use. And if Gizmo is removed, will it be possible to use the Planes with Linux? I know, there is no Linux Installer yet, but I have two XP12 Installations, one with Windows and one with Linux and I would be very happy to see the MU-2 in my Linux Installation too, doing it the XPlane Style. Simple copy of the Windows Installation to Linux. I only use XPlane in Windows or Linux only, not both together.
  3. They are not connected when you are in GPSS Mode, AFAIK. Looks normal. The only Glitch I see, the Course Needle and the 3 Digit Course Heading (268) are not synchronous. Happens sometimes on Power Up. Rotate the left Course Knob and they should go synchronous.
  4. I use Reverse often for Push Back with Props set to Taxi. Did the Job. In the Landing shown above, I was in Flight Idle first and then set the Throttle to Reverse. Maybe this triggers some Governors before Reverse kicks in. Once it is established, it looks stable. Normally, Throttle is short above Flight Idle and I'm going to Reverse in one Motion after the Wheels touch the Runway. And it is from Flight Idle into Full Reverse with my Hardware. I don't know how the real Plane will handle this. But I think, it is similar as with Full Throttle at Take Off. If you set 100% Torque to fast, overshooting it, a Governor kicks in and reduces Torque. Could be the same in Reverse. Could take a few seconds before Prop Blade Position, RPM, EGT and Torque are stable. So this little fluctuations could be normal. But your Situation is not normal with Torque and EGT goes up and down.
  5. ILS Approach at EDDG. No Brakes in use, only Reverse. Look at the Ghost Throttle to see the Positions.
  6. I'm using Honeycombs Alpha and Bravo Equipment and MFG Crosswind Rudder Pedals. Taxi is sometimes very slow and I have the same experience as you, but it seems to be a problem with the Brakes, not fully released. I have this often after Landings, when leaving the Runway and changing Throttle and Props to Beta and Taxi. The Plane slows down, is very slow or stops. But giving Full Brakes, waiting a few seconds before releasing the Brakes solves the Problem mostly. And sometimes it is the Weather and the Terrain. I can stay in Beta just below Flight Idle most of the Time, a little bit more Prop is needed sometimes. It's not the Hardware, the Moo is the only Plane with this Taxi Problem. If the Keys "v" and "b" on the Keyboard are assigned with the Brakes (Default XP Setting), hitting them accidentally may also cause that Problem. Reverse is working for me. It kicks in late and could be more effective but I did not see any governor kick in. Torque and RPM is stable once Reverse is established. The Bravo Quadrant has only switches to apply Reverse. They are set to "Move left (right) power lever to reverse from ground idle". That seems to work. Prop Levers full forward for landings. And the Button Sounds and Animations seems okay on my Side.
  7. Hmm, the Flightplan and the Leg you want to fly is active?
  8. You are Welcome. I'm on my second "Journey around the World in 30 Days" now. Some long Trips with Refueling, some shorter ones.
  9. Thanks for that but I have a copy of the POH already. Best regards Heinz-Juergen
  10. The MU-2 has a pressurized Cabin. To adjust the Cabin Pressure look at the Copilots Side, the Instruments underneath the Yoke. At the Air Cond Panel there are Bleed Air at the left and Cabin Temperature at the right. Temperature is on Auto. In XP, Passengers couldn't complain. The rest of the Controls on the Air Cond Panel are in Default Position. For Take Off, Engine Start and Shutdown, set Bleed Air to Off. After Take Off and in stable Climb, set Bleed Air to Both. In case of a lost Engine, set Bleed Air to the running Engine. You need Bleed Air On for the Cabin Pressure. The Instrument in the Middle is the Control for the Cabin Pressure. With the Cabin Alt Knob on the right Side, you set your Cabin Altitude. If you go over 12000 feet, set your Cabin Pressure to 10000. The Instruments on the right shows your Cabin Pressure, the Difference between Cabin and Outside Pressure and how fast the Cabin Pressure is changing if you set a new Pressure. For Example. My longer Flights are mostly at a Altitude of 15000 Feet. Bleed Air is Off until I reach a Altitude between 3000 and 5000 Feet. You can switch it On earlier but for Take Off, you will Full Power. Now I also set the Cabin Pressure to 10000 Feet. That's all. For Descent, I slowly set the Cabin Pressure back after reaching 10000 Feet. Set it at least to 1000 Feet above Airport Altitude. Before reaching Final Approach, I depressurize the Cabin - Cabin Altitude to 0. It may not be the correct Procedure for real Life Operations, but my Passengers are very brave and silent. If you forget to set Cabin Pressure and going to High, there will be a Master Caution Warning and an Indication Light at the Annunciation Panel.
  11. Yes, makes sense. If I purchase it, I think it will be very useful for the Com Settings too. Dialing in the Frequencies with the Mouse even on the Pop Out Screen is not what I like very much. And I didn't count how often I had the left Rotary Switch in the wrong Position when trying to change Heading, Altitude or VS with the Bravo. I painted the small Indicator on the Knob in white but it happens recently. And changing the Values with the right Rotary Knob has a tendency to overshoot. Do you use the Octavi with the plug-in only or with MobiFlight too?
  12. Same here. My favorite Plane in XP12. There are a few Bugs but nothing that made it unusable. cfirandy. I also use Alpha and Bravo and was thinking about the Octavi IFR-1. What Functions you are using with the Octavi IFR-1? AP Functions are almost done with the Bravo.
  13. The Fuel Feed Issue was with one of the XP12 Betas and is History. The Fuel System is working as it should. Tip and Outer feed the Main and Engines are feed from Main only. And the Performance? I don't know the real one but it performs very good and is not too far away from the real one I think. XP is still Beta and full of changes. A Update for the Moo is in the Queue as mentioned in a other Thread. Better wait for XP is going less Beta then having a Update for the Moo and the next Update for XP is breaking Things again. Sadly, the Moo is not using a Online Update System like SkunkCrafts Updater. That would make it easier for fixing I think. Would be nice if this is possible for this Plane. I enjoy the Moo and it's my favorite Plane in XP. Take it out of the Hangar and bring it in the Air. :-) Heinz-Juergen
  14. I managed to land at BGBW. Not a easy Airport and with this Engine... Engine Shutdown was interesting. Engine One Shuts Down as usual but Engine Two was Spinning down very very slow and won't stop for minutes. Fuel Valves closed but Engine Two was acting like it gets still some amount of Fuel. Like a Diesel Runaway. Took over 10 Minutes before the Engine stops. Maintaining the Engines (Fix all Errors), Engine Test Run and all is well again. But what Kind of Error was this?
  15. Had my first Engine Failure Today. Look at the Torque Meter for the Right Engine. A little erratic. What is it? Compressor Stall? EGT goes up when Torque goes down.
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