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  1. Hi, Oops! I'm sorry. I doubted the quality of your product. If "Morten" says " the most accurate engine mdel ever made in any sim ", he must be right. Thank you for your explanations.
  2. Hello the Staff, I absolutely agree for the landing lights and the low impact on the runway !! More, I noted an bad value for the engines thrust ! Your value is for an B737 NG engines, like the 737-800 and not for the CFM56-3b2. Other issue: why the bypass ratio value is "blank" and the value for RPM 100% N1 too ? (please, could you too verify the weights and the SFC hight and low altitude). I read too in this forum, the issues for PAX doors...not usable. Today, the plane is flyable and pleasant but not "fully real". May be it will be better after the issues corrections. Happy New Year for everyone !! Windows 10/64 (1703) XP11-11 (last stable version)
  3. issue resolved ! I re-downloaded Skymax from your website and now the MTO pictures are OK. EDIT2: Sorry, not OK !! Look these screens from XP native MTO, SkyMaxx and RWC...I have an dubt ! But amazing: they are x-ray, rain on sky clear and sound !! X-Plane isn't good for MTO may be the #11 ??
  4. Hi Frank, My last "log" isn't representative because I tried some manipulations to try understand. But, look this METAR generated by MAXX METAR.rwx from Noaweather plugin. "2016/11/23 16:00 LFBO 231600Z AUTO 12015KT 070V150 9999 BKN027 BKN072 OVC092 17/12 Q1002 BECMG 12020G32KT" With it, I has only one layer of broken cumulus. Other caracteristic symptom: before when I set RWC "automatic" or "always", I has noted one clouds pictures difference betwen the two settings. Now, with "automatic", I lost the clouds ! Sky clear ! Only are existing on "always", but no realists in relation with the METAR. If I desactivate RWC inside the add-on settings, no effects like RWC inoperative all time. I reinstaled it without results. However, SkyMax seems OK because it picture respond at the settings change. Well, that's all for this moment. I will continue my tests for understand why I can't use the native MTO from XP !! Cheers. Note: the RWC plugin include only four files: "64"; "eula"; "registration"; "pdf rwc" and the "uninstall" file inside "x-aviation"
  5. Re, Many thanks for your prompt reply. However, I can't explain why before, the "overcast" was effective (including the two forms) and not now ! Before, I was flying long time over the continuous layer when the METAR's are in relation. Not today ! Now, RWC seems inoperative, so no interesting and will be uninstalled. I regret it. Return to the past !!
  6. Hello everybody, Since some time I noticed an issue when using SkyMaxx and RWC? I explain: now, for example, I cant have an "overcast" configuration like the METAR. I always has the clouds "sparse" or "broken". More, when I'm using FSrealWX, I obtain a strong fog !! But, with "Noaa" the scenery is OK. Other issue, I can't use the MTO native XPlane !! May be an bug following the ultimate X-Plane 10.51 update ?? Or one W10 (1607) "subtility" ?? I would like understand. Thanks for your help.
  7. Hi Claude, Many thanks for your prompt reply. I downloaded the KLN90B update Pack V2, but the buttons are inoperative. For the 430,the XP message said approx: "you must remove the 430 native to install the new ". Good, but I don't know the process to get !! I will wait the update and use the X-FMC. Have a good week, cheers, J.L
  8. Hello everybody (specialy Javier !!) With the new XP10-30, the JS32 not authorise the use of the new Garmin 430 GPS included. It's not possible to choice the "pilot" ARINC option to activate all the new GPS functions. Only the "copilot" choice is accepted. Result: the radios com/nav are no settable and we can't display the "GPS" function. Always locked on VORNAV. Please, for the future, could you modify your airplane to use the new Garmin 430 (XP10-30) or, indicate us the process to get an good result. Many thanks.
  9. Hello everybody, I'm looking for the W&B for this plane. I wrote to Javier, but no answer for the moment. It's easy tout load the plane with the XPLnative loader, but the CoG location is always "0". Please, do you know if an balance data sheet is existing ?? I saw this one for the CRJ200 on the forum, but nothing for the JS32. Many thanks for your help. Best regards, Jean-Louis
  10. Hello everybody, I'm looking the W&B for this plane. I wrote to Javier, but no answer for the moment. It's easy tout load the plane with the XPLnative loader, but the CoG location is always "0". Please, do you know if an data sheet is existing?? I saw this one for the CRJ200 on the forum, but nothing for the JS32. Many thanks for your help. Best regards, Jean-Louis
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