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Everything posted by philipwyatt

  1. Oh i am excited about this......however I am awfully tired of going in circles with this topic of release date.........why cant people just understand that it will be ready when its ready.......ask questions about how she flies, how to operate stuff and how to work this apparently fabulous FMS computer but in the name of all that is holy, quit asking when its ready pretty please with sugar on top....for one every time there is a new posting on a topic I dash in to see whether it is a pertinent question regarding the operation of the plane......when i see its another storm in a teacup about someone's sense of entitlement it makes me sad for these guys who are working so hard to have to waste more time writing long replies! In response to anyone looking for routes to fly when this bird comes out......I heartily recommend looking at www.x-usairways.com and becoming a pilot. We operate every real world route of US-Air (around 4000) and we certainly fly the heck out of our crj200's currently. I look forward to seeing her and to adding her to our fleet! Javier and staff - you need no comparisons made between you and any other company, x-plane related or otherwise....you are doing a fantastic job and will be duly rewarded by huge sales of this plane I am sure! Best regards, Phil
  2. Thanks for the quick answer, I will have to run them with the new bird and see what works and what doesn't based on what the datarefs do currently...perhaps I can start a list of switches and buttons we could map in a sdk update for her if that would be helpful. Thanks again, Phil
  3. Can I change tack for a second and ask whether I can expect my Saitek Panels to work with this aircraft. I know that the vas fmc doesnt like the panels and I am hoping the the inbuilt fms will not throw the panels for a loop.........its a long shot but has anyone during the beta phase of the plane and testing had her working with Saitek Panels...particularly the radio stack, multi panel or switch panel. Sorry if this is a stupid question but will certainly affect how I am able to fly her! PW
  4. I am massively excited to experience this "embedded FMC" I wonder.... is there going to be a separate efis display via plugin or does it intergrate into xplane also. I cant wait to see top of decent, holding information as well as all the lovely things VAS is able to deliver externally built into the cockpit! I cant wait to be able to perfom accurate holds and change arrival and departure info on the fly!. This will surely propel x-plane toward the sort of realism only previously possible with pmdg type of aircraft in MSFS. I commend the whole team on this endeavor and foresight and I look forward to hitting the "pay now" button as soon as it is ready to roll out. I am one of the directors of www.x-usairways.com and we operate the aircraft in our fleet. I am looking forward to recommending this aircraft to our many pilots! If you haven't yet joined or seen us...... we are proud to regard ourselves as the best and most realistic Virtual Airline in X-plane. I look forward everything the rest of 2011 and x-plane has to offer! PW
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