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About flaviossa

  • Birthday 04/11/1975

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  1. Yeah, finaly!!! The wait is over! Thanks
  2. Not trying to push things you know .... It´s a beautiful plane as it is now!
  3. That´s one of my initial issues as can be seen in here: http://forums.x-pilot.com/index.php?topic=1022.0
  4. Any news on the update?? Sorry to ask ... ;D
  5. Nice! By the way .... thank´s for the update!!! ;D
  6. Helllo, After the 1.2 update in the folder: drive:\X-Plane 9\Aircraft\General Aviation\JGX_C400_1.2\plugins\ "JGX_C400_1.2" is the new Corvalis folder name that i renamed after the update. I have two subfolders now: -- JGX_C400v1.2 -- JGX_C400v1.10 Can i delete the JGX_C400v1.10 subfolder? If so, this should be done by the installer or give instructions to do that, isn´t it? Thanks.
  7. Good to know Airbus! Thanks for your work!
  8. Hello Airbus! Thanks for the answer. As i´m not a real pilot, just a fanatic virtual pilot i cannot argue with people that flies the real one!! I know that there are many forces involved in the plane movement, i just tried to show that the combination of this factors are making the plane almost impossible to taxi. I´m starting my flights with it in the runway as i can´t taxi to it in a proper way now. And about the access ports, i realized it is this ... access ports. But my indagation is that if it can be more smoothly integrated to the wings. Now it appears that they are "out" of the wing like some "patches" in wing holes ;D ;D As it is now, it´s a pleasure to fly with this bird, i only thought that my feedback would be of same value to you to make the little bird better. Thanks!
  9. Thanks woweezowee! It was raining in my test endeed. ;D I´ll try in a sunny and quiet airport to see what happens ... EDIT: Just checked and the strange performance is just taxing ... not in the air. Here, if i relief the brakes it starts to run alone without any trust (Not using any ultra joystick, just a simple one). And when taxing, it starts to go to the left alone and even when i steer to the right it appears to "drift" on the surface ... not going to the right at all. I have to pull the brakes and start taxing again .... And of course: i´m not running!!! Just going very slow. First i thought it might be the engine torque. But it´s too strong to be it!
  10. Nice plane ... but i´m having two problems: -It´s very hard to taxi with it. It goes for both sides without control all the time. Don´t have this situation with other aircrafts pay and freeware. - What are those things in the wings? ??? I think it can be better designed. Thanks.
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