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Everything posted by Ironmaiden

  1. @Tony, (Netherlands ) ERROR - Not adding facade www.openstreetmap.org/way/43447356 with negative height/or height below 0.50 metres ERROR - Found self intersecting way for id #80647099, attempting repair ERROR - Invalid Height Tag ? for way http://openstreetmap.org/way/54082633 (London) ERROR - Invalid Building:Levels Tag b for way http://openstreetmap.org/way/244626313 INFO - Invalid colour #light grey for way http://openstreetmap.org/way/211547748 ERROR - Couldn't generate model 232081009 ERROR - Couldn't generate model 232081009 ERROR - Found self intersecting way for id #77401191, attempting repair ERROR - Clipping failed for 249793621 ERROR - Tile Tile: -1,51 was not created, DSFTool failed with an error.java.lang.RuntimeException: Tile Tile: -1,51 was not created, DSFTool failed with an error. Generation has stoppedat com.world2xplane.XPlane.DSFTile.writeFile(DSFTile.java:1868)at com.world2xplane.Parser.OSMProcess.buildScenery(OSMProcess.java:275)at com.world2xplane.Parser.OSMProcess.process(OSMProcess.java:177)at com.world2xplane.World2XPlane.run(World2XPlane.java:51)at com.world2xplane.GUI.Worker.run(Worker.java:69)
  2. Great, Let me finish compiling NL and I will start with London, NL compiling may take a bit longer than the previous compile , as I have down clocked my CPU to 3.0 .
  3. Roger Captain, compiling NL right now.
  4. @Tony, I removed Dalkan's buildings and using Genf compiled with the Beta no errors atm. Going to compile NL with the Beta. London pbf from bbbike gives errors.
  5. @Tony , Give me half an hour and I will revert back with the error. Yeah Avsim, I think the reason being too many ads needs to connect to the other servers.
  6. @Tony, What is different in the new Beta ? I downloaded and compiled Genf and I think got an error in Xplane (LOL that was on Hackintosh in the Office). I will it on my desktop now. Avsim is back.
  7. looks like a hardware failure
  8. racetracks , golf courses , swimming pools etc.... wish it could be done easily would be much fun. I think GMaps will require authentication to download as google warehouse now needs authentication.
  9. I think it's all because of sketchup , as there are non for OSM.
  10. I was going to try Gmaps but I think google has changed the policy. But I will try it . Downloading Silverstone Circuit using Gmaps right now , lets hope the model is there. No go, on my linux GMaps complains about an uncompress error, and in my Hackintosh it says buildings not downloadable.
  11. Can I use these without FlywithLua as under linux it does not show in Plugins.
  12. This shows Silverstone Circuit. http://www.openstreetmap.org/search?query=silverstone%20racetrack#map=16/52.0695/-1.0141&layers=Q
  13. Whoops that would be difficult. Hmm wouldn't a racetrack be road object ? the only thing that would not be there is a stadium . Can you try it ? maybe later someone comes out with a stadium object,
  14. @Tony, Are stadium / racetracks possible with your tool ? would love see them.
  15. Great shots. You bet Switzerland is the best in XPX. Maxx-FX looks similar to SweetFX.
  16. Wow new buildings for Switzerland great, looking for the new version. Hmm the buildings look spectacular near Geneva airport, of course I don't know if those are by you or by Daikin. I have a hackintosh Mavericks on my Toshiba laptop , i5 and 1 GB Nvidia 525m, I have tried running XPX on it and it works great , but haven't tried the OSM and the HD + Photoscenery. I can not believe that I was able to use HDR in Linux , it worked better that windows. Got to check again . My main XPX system is my desktop and AMD FX 6300 with a HD 7750 2 GB (has windows and linux ) and I am going to keep linux for XPX and wifey can use Windows. For the Sbach 300 you may need to do the Puffers tweak too, Jcomm and I think Murmur helped me out with the tweaks.
  17. Hey, The aircraft is the Sbach 300 from Xpfr and I tell you , just go and download it , it's free and it's the best, love the aircraft she is like a sports car . You may need the tweaks for that aircraft let me know I will send you the files. I am pulling just awesome frames at Schiphol with your scenery and everything is maxed out except the GPU stuff and a couple of other things. What system do you have ? like CPU / GPU / RAM.
  18. Oh no hmm ok I will try Zurich but that would be later. And yes Geneva is beautiful, just did a round at Schiphol WOW , W2XP is doing great there too . Will post a new screeny later for Amsterdam. The only drawbacks right now on Linux is no XsquawkBox 64 bit and the AMD GPU Drivers. I will post a new screenshot of Amsterdam which will have most of my rendering settings too maxed of course except the GPU stuff.
  19. This is Geneva, with Switzerland OSM data used from World2Xplane, I am not sure if Daikan's buildings are in this as I have not yet put all of them. Using the Trees V2 from Alpilotx , do not mind the AA as the AMD GPU linux drivers are a little troublesome. Just want to say , one has to fly in Geneva in Xplane 10 using HD Mesh 2 / Trees V2 and Simheaven Genf photoscenery with World2Xplane it is beautiful. http://postimg.org/image/452k4hn6f/ http://postimg.org/image/zg1y8to9z/ @Tony, could you post a screeny of EHAM , depart from rwy 22 and head towards victor i.e. heading 150 . Just want to compare the OSM data. LOL did not see the Add Image button .
  20. yeah sure but in a couple of hours as i have just reached home from work.
  21. And one Indian . Compiled the whole of Netherlands and the flight is smooth no stutters . Have compiled Switzerland and will be trying it with Daikan's buildings. Lets see what frame hits I get.
  22. Yes Captain I am referring to them. sorry did not realise they were made by you. and BTW the one which is 400 MB is corrupted as I have downloaded it many times but it gives errors when uncompressing.
  23. I am using Ubuntu 13.10 with LXDE and I can tell you when loading XPX it is butter smooth and no freezes or stutters with your scenery. If loading XPX in Win 7 it freezes the system till it's loaded completely.
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