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Everything posted by vgmm009

  1. fantastic ! looking for it.
  2. Frank, I am setting overcast to medium and so far so good for the moment. But even without CTD my SMP settings are not saved if I shut down and restart my mac. they are saved if I just restart x-plane without restarting the mac.
  3. please the attached capture for my usual SMP settings ! I ll try to select the overcast setting to medium even if for the last crash I was on cruising level above clouds, at night time and no overcast weather conditions.
  4. thank you very much for the support, I appreciate. hope you will find a fix.
  5. a new crash of x-plane because of silverlining. this time NOAA plugin was not active and all corresponding files removed ! see attached report. thank you in advance for your help. report.rtf
  6. 1 and 2 and 3 : a plugin to get real weather, different layers for wind & turbulence. some mentioned above the existing addon for FSX : opus. Any update for the x-plane version of the FS global real weather ?? some would mention the existing Joan Noaa plugin but unfortunately it is not working on mavericks and is gnown to cause some trouble.
  7. the known problem with NOAA plugin is with the python version on mavericks. and I am just thinking that the crashes I got, happen only when I am on long haul flights and always after 6 or 7 hours or so flying. So probably the crash is occuring when NOAA plugin is failing to update the NOAA data and is sending non-coherent weather data to x-plane / silverlining ... So somehow I agree with you. What I will do is to use NOAA plugin only for short or medium haul flights.... and hope we will see soon a more robust plugin to get real weather ! thanks again
  8. thank you again for taking the point. I appreciate very much. Yeah that is possible ! I am using NOAA plugin and the crashes happen usually at cruise altitude, so the clouds are from the plugin and not from XSB. If it happens to me again (but hope not ) I will send the cache of the NOAA data + the gps location where it did happen. One again SMP is great, the support team is very serious, and I just don't imagine flying with the basic x-plane clouds !
  9. Thanks for your quick reply ! I confirm that I installed 1.3.2 and that is what is indicated in the configration dialog box !
  10. Unfortunately I got 2 crashes again with 1.3.2 version ! attached the last crash report. unfortunately this happened to me on the cross of the pond event last saturday after 7 hours flying and 1 hour before arrival.... was frustrated ! the forcing the cirrus option was unchecked... I am a bit embarassed.... I don't want to uninstall SMP as I just don't imagine going back to the XP basic clouds, and at the same time not completing a long haul flight after 7 hours spent..... hope you guys will solve the problem soon. Thank you very much crash-29-03-2014.rtf
  11. thanks for the new released update. no problems so far.
  12. Any update or news for a fix ? see my last crash-log ! crash.rtf
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