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Everything posted by czoog

  1. Hi Tony, This looks very promising. Is this made with Facades, or buildings, or is this the OSM 3d buldings? As far as NYC GIS data goes, the city makes quite a good bit of data available for free. You can see some very nice GIS datasets here: https://nycopendata.socrata.com/browse?tags=doitt+gis I've used this information to make a model of all of NYC's buildings (simple for now, but I could texture it fairly easily), roads and terrain in Infraworks (another tool I use at work, see images) I processed the data a bit to add building height information to each footprint, the result is a shapefile will every footprint in the city with it's height. I use that parameter to extrude the buildings. They also have a nice road centerline shapefile will roads lane info and elevation data! Perhaps this is useful? Also I am going to look into facades a bit more as soon as I get some free time.
  2. Hi All, This is my first post, but I've been a lurker for quite some time. I am new X-plane user, and a recent convert from FSX. Tony, I am very impressed with your work so far, and one of my primary reasons for moving to X-plane is the potential for scenery creation, so your work is indeed inspiring!! Some background on me that my help put this in context: I'm an architect by day, and I primarily work on huge airport projects, (terminals, air side and land side, etc), and as you can imagine I am very interested in all things aviation. I initially looked at x-plane and a way to get our new airport layouts into a simulator to get a "pilots perspective" We create incredible detailed models (bulding information models or BIM) as we design a terminal, and this model has to interface with air-side models of the ramps and taxiways. Unfortunately I think our models are far too detailed to be brought directly into X-plane (we typically model down to the door knobs on doors), but I an investigating simplifying things so we can test our new taxi ways and gating plans, but I digress..... The reason I am responding to this particular thread is that the firm I work for does a good deal of urban planning around the the world, and one of my jobs is...you guessed it, to create massive city models with hundreds of thousands on buildings based our master-plan, which gives our clients a idea of what the new city could look like. To do this I use many tools but the one i fall back on the most is CityEnginge. (http://www.esri.com/software/cityengine) CityEngine allows me to script the procedural creation of buildings, based on what ever parameters I wish, it can dynamically create and update road networks, and regenerate 10's of thousands of buildings in minutes, if not seconds. It even reads OSM. A single CGA (computer generated architecture) script, can generate all of the buuildings you see in the images attached. If you don't like the results, hit a new random seed and the building regenerates. As these are the VERY low-poly ones! We can create highly detailed buildings, but that won't be helpful for x-plane. My goal is to help by generating buildings low poly enough for use in tony's tool. HOWEVER, and this is big, so far I can make and export thousands of OBJ buildings with the proper origin and "basements" as required, BUT i am having major problems getting the UV's to work with a texture atlas that is required. I've got good textures, but they are not on a sheet, etc. I've looked at post processing in 3ds MAX, Maya, and Softimage and I can get close with a few scripts, but it's not exact and required some hand adjusting, not ideal if i want to process thousands of OBJ's. IF anyone here is an expert on texturing in Max or Maya, (UVW unwrapping, etc) and could pass on a few tips, I'd greatly appreciate it. In any event, I'll hand process a few so that we can add them to the collection here. Looking forward to helping out! Best, Chris
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