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  1. Cameron and team, Many thanks what can I say? This was my aircraft of choice before Yosemite and the following xplane updates before I abandoned it because of poor performance on my modest spec iMac. But now the performance and frame rates are loads better and flyable, and the scroll wheels, gps etc wonderful. My aircraft of choice once more, thanks again. Roger
  2. Goran Thanks for your consideration and time. Regards to you all Roger
  3. Is there a way to temporarily remove the yoke as in other aircraft? By the way a terrific simulation, the best DC3 I have used in over 20 years simming, navigation is a challenge though! Roger
  4. Cameron and Jim It is working and all is well. The problem was I was not inputting the waypoints in upper case. I had tried to do this before contacting you by using the Caps Lock on the keyboard, but this just entered as lower case. So this morning I entered waypoints using shift on keyboard to select upper case and hey presto. Waypoints entered as upper case and everything good! I thank you for your time and patience. Whilst replying I think you are wise not to include a full FMC for this superb aircraft, it would detract from its charm. The mini gps is more than adequate for SIDS and STARS etc. Kind regards to you all and thanks again. Roger
  5. Cameron Thanks for the swift reply. I start from Newcastle airport (EGNT) pressing the Set to Position button and then enter GIRLI in To Active and TILNI in Next Standby this should start off on the P18 routing south. I appreciate your time as I am sure I am doing something daft. Regards Roger
  6. I cannot get the mini gps to work. Click on tool tray, select mini gps, press set position on from box (correct lat and long figures displayed for the airport I am at) then enter waypoints/fixes for active and standby. No lat and long values in either, and pop up displays show no values and after take off deviation bar does not work. The fixes all exist on XP data base, I have checked on map display and used successfully with other aircraft with FMS. I have XP 10 fully updated and the latest updated Saab 340. I use a Mac 21.5, OS Mavericks around 6 months old. Everything else works wonderfully, this Saab is the best aircraft simulation I have used in over 20 years of simming. I am happy just to use vor and ndb but it would be good to make use of the gps database from time to time. Roger
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