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  1. I have to report another one here.... Thr right ND does not cycle through the waypoints when in PLAN mode: The moment you put the left hand ND in plan mode, it works again normal. Rgds PC
  2. I have a very strange behaviour as well with rotation. I have to pull the yoke quite a lot and nothing happens and suddendly it "snaps" airborne and I have to correct a lot by pushing the yoke
  3. Right FMC: Press POS INIT comes up with a blank page DES Page: entering a restriction does not work as well as changing the taget DES SPD target which should change with the cost index! Forecast Page: Entry of ISA DEV and QNH does not work
  4. Hello A few findings: The right FMC does not allow LSK L keys do be used when on the LEGS Page! Thus entering Waypoints or altering the legs page from FO side is impossible. It is also not possible to enter the Position on the init page. Right side TERR Display and WX Radar are written as U/S but why? Do you plan to implement sunshades by any means? X-Plane 12's sun power and lighting engine sometimes really require some blocking of light. Background light of the FMC is missing but I guess it already has been mentioned somewhere. Is it possible to use the default TOGA command from X Plane or is there a special one? Didnt find one yet. Wipers (already known I guess) dont work and using the command results in a Gizmo error popping up. Is the X-Plane menu CG the one you enter in the FMC? Are there plans to implement a better tablet/EFB with Weight&Balance loading and maybe Simbrief import? When trying to alter the descent Speed and its constraints on the DES Page it is not accepting inputs at all. Cost Index should also change computed climb and descent speeds but it has no effect. Entering QNH and Temps on the descent forecast page is not working. Will there be an option to import winds or request a METAR? When switching to plan mode without the IRS aligned the route should be displayed but it doesnt. Engine spool up is maybe too quick! Rgds PC
  5. Good afternoon I kindly requested to reset my download limit in my account a week ago as I can't download the installer anymore. Is there a way to download the aircraft again? Tried the contact form without success already... Kind Rgds, PC
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