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Everything posted by Oliver

  1. Here's the DL link: http://xpfr.org/?pop=download&sc=259
  2. Beech Bonanza in Slovenia Air Berlin Boeing 737 over Germany Norwegian Airlines Boeing 737 descending to Nantes Atlantique Airport
  3. Departing Toussus le Noble near Paris on a flight to Zurich in the 7x.
  4. You take some truly breathtaking shots.
  5. Hadn't flown a multi in a few months... Definitely a good feeling to be back in a more powerful aircraft.
  6. Thanks Ryan! Send me a message when you're down here and we'll go flying!
  7. A compilation video of some of the footage I've amassed during my commercial pilot training.
  8. Subscribed! I love spotting vids! Thanks Ryan! This is in the Sarasota / St. Pete area in Florida.
  9. Wonderful! YouTube is the only social platform that I've never fully tried to grow. What's your channel? Would love to see your videos!
  10. Thanks man! I'm in the process of compiling a video with all the footage I've taken. I'll post here when it's complete!
  11. Thank you, my friend!
  12. Took a friend for a short sunset flight to share with him the beauty of flying. Seeing the smile on someone's face as the wheels leave the ground is truly the best feeling.
  13. John, thank you for your contributions to the X-Plane world. This is absolutely incredible.
  14. Gorgeous shots. How are you liking the A350? I'm contemplating picking it up.
  15. Took the LES DC3 for a short flight over France. Nicola, this one is dedicated to you.
  16. Be careful about posting real life photos... You're going to make the petulant child angry again... Beautiful shots nonetheless. What are the airspace restrictions in HK? Similar to the US (Class B over cities) or similar to certain European countries with Class A over major cities?
  17. Overcast today here as well... We all have our days!
  18. You're one bitter little child. You must really be displeased with your life. FYI, perhaps your little mind wandered past the description of this thread - "What did you fly today?" No more, no less. Some advice... Stop bitching about every single post I make on this forum and you'll learn to enjoy life quite a bit more.
  19. Nah... just a routine flight to my favorite restaurant. Actually was my first flight with an issue. Landed and got comms issue with the G1000. Had to get light signals from the tower. Eventful flight but I definitely learned quite a bit.
  20. Final approach at Albert Whitted (KSPG)
  21. I never said that I do adhere by such practices, I simply said that they do occur far more than you can imagine and that hundreds of people get away with them because of the lack of proof that can be determined. I truly do appreciate the kind words, nonetheless. As far as me stating "We", it's because I don't feel the need to justify myself, my companies, or any personal matter to someone like you. The company has more than myself but it isn't relevant to the conversation at hand. Believe it or not, the majority of the time, making assumptions can make you look like a monumental imbecile. Perhaps you could remember that next time you assume things about one's life. Cameron/Other admins: Feel free to close this thread, I've received the necessary advice from informative and intelligent forum members.
  22. I never said it didn't, but if you fly in real life you'll understand that although the FAA is clear on the laws of commercial flights there are still legal ways to bypass them. I'm not saying I have before, but I can definitely assure you that the FAA will not be able to prove a correlation between your flight and your friend gifting you $500. As aforementioned, it'll be clear, but there won't be any direct proof that the flight was actually compensated. I learn every day, that's why I came to this forum (and others) to ask for advice. Perhaps since you aren't in the real estate market or in the business world you don't see that evolution is necessary in any market in order for it to continue growing... Much like in this case. Real estate has sold for decades because drones weren't around to provide aerial shots of properties. When the transition began in the aviation market from props to jets, I'm sure many people believed that it wasn't necessary because props were able to get the job done. It's the evolution of the market. In such a competitive world (real estate), if you don't differentiate yourself from your competitors, it's highly likely that you'll be blown under the rug by your competition. Also, perhaps in your area there isn't a demand, we're based in Florida where you have properties located right on some of the most beautiful beaches in the world. A lot of our french clients purchase the investment properties purely by looking at the pictures we send them. Most don't even come visit the properties. A video would be a huge selling point because pictures can only speak so many words. I digress... As aforementioned, the reason I'm coming here is to get advice on how to do this operation LEGALLY. Clearly I could have already gone out, bought a Phantom 2, jeopardized my licenses and future with the FAA, but I didn't. We = the company. I'm the only one with licenses.
  23. Then it goes far past the definition of the commercial... for example, if a non-commercial pilot flies his friend around at a cost of $500, he must pay the pro rata share with his copilot. Now, what if his friend decided to "gift" him $500 because of their wonderful friendship? In theory, this isn't gain or compensation for the flight, but with common sense, this is clearly gain or compensation. The main purpose of the videos would be to showcase the homes. We deal with clients in France (we're located in Florida) so videos can be essential to sell clients on these investment properties. I'd be interested to see what the process is behind getting authorization for a commercial flight. Perhaps I'll call the local FAA office and get more info.
  24. Well give me a shout if you're ever in the Sarasota, Florida area and we'll take a 172 to lunch somewhere!
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