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About Sparkly97

  • Birthday 04/01/1997

Profile Information

  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Somewhere with lots of sparkles
  • Interests
    I love anything that is sparkly...

Sparkly97's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Seriously dude, what did I ever do to you personally? You helped me launch my first V/A and even if you are a @ss and made me shut it down I am grateful of your help. Oh and...andydckent, what do you have against my first post admitting I was me? Are you homophobic to?
  2. Remind me, why do you keep banning me? You know I always come back...oh and doing a IP block with this IP would not be very smart considering I'm using a hotel IP.
  3. And why is the truth idiotic? Most probably my cursing was a aggravating factor but I know that my support to LGBT's was the main cause for me being banned then and now...
  4. The reason I got banned is that even if Cameron is a great moderator/admin he is homophobic...I created a V/A that was mainly aimed at LGBT's and Cameron hated it so he used the excuse of me cursing like a sailor in the RANT section of this forum to ban me.
  5. Just click on the More Reply Options button
  6. Where did you get this plane?? Its been ages I've been searching a A330F!!!!
  7. I do not know if its just me but I can not see the pictures.
  8. 4X-EBL landing after 4 313nm flight...
  9. v9 or v10?
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