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Everything posted by NoKAP3

  1. I got it to work. Before I had filled in those boxes with Symantec end protection. So I cleared that and tried it with Symantec closed, but it didn't work. So instead of going back I closed X-Plane, and then tried again. This time it worked. So I guess I should've closed X-plane instead of just going back, and I should've not had those boxes filled in from the very beginning. Thank You all for your help
  2. Under Preferences in the update, it wants to know whether my Firewall has a proxy and if yes, what is the proxy host and the proxy port. I am wondering if that is a problem. I tried to disable Symantec but didn't work. Could it be that I didn't fill in those boxes correctly? I cleared them a few minutes ago. they had said Symantec endpoint protection before
  3. I tried this. It has been taking over 5 minutes or so already so I am skeptical that it will work.
  4. I have Symantec protection. Should I try turning it off while trying to update?
  5. it says "I am contacting www.x-plane.com to find an update server" and gets stuck there. I don't know how to make it update. I attached a picture of this.
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