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Everything posted by xfan

  1. I am quite happy with skyMaxx except for one issue : Clouds in general and most of all fair weather clouds such as cumulus are blue. I know that there might be some light bluish tint sometimes due to oxygen. But here, the effect is much exaggerated. I tried different sky color options but got no significant result. I would like to lower the cloud colors saturation without changing the color of the sky itself. Is there a way?
  2. The FMS display menu shows a list of items : Navaids, Intersections, Airports, NDBS situation When selected, these items are made visible on the moving map which is displayed in the MFD with the flightplan. The frame rate drop I mention has nothing to do with battery switch on. It concerns "in flight" situation, with or without some of these items displayed in the MFD.
  3. Hi Philipp, Here is a report of another compatibility problem. This time it is with a specific aircraft plugin, the B17G available here: http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=13235 After loading and flying this aircraft, loading the CRJ200 results in an X-Plane freeze. I checked that the freeze happens also in the 2486 topic's conditions. I also found that selecting visible items in the FMS Display Menu is extremely expensive in frame rate. Only one item is enough to lower frame rate from 30 down to less than 20. Is it normal? Hope it helps. Cheers Michel
  4. Hi Philipp, Thanks for that quick answer, I just managed to trace down the origin of the lack of fluidity. It is caused by a Python script named "FSWidgetsGMap", it is an add-on which is supposed to show the flight path on a google map. I have never used it but it was in my PythonScripts folder and it seems to interfere in some way with The CRJ200, the result being an erratic frame rate. What looks like a freeze is in fact a very low frame rate, less than 1 fps. What makes the problem tricky is that the amount of speed loss seems to depend on some values contained in a file automatically created by the script in the plugin folder, the name of that file is "FSWidgetsGMap" these values are not always the same and look like geographic coordinates. The FSWidgetsGMap script has no effect on other aircrafts. Anyway, after deleting the script, the CRJ200 behaves normally with or without the "legs" page display. I strongly suspect that in my case, the desktop crash I experienced when opening X-Plane with the CRJ200 as selected aircraft, had the same cause. As far as the FMS issue is concerned, I am not sure that you have fully read my message. I quite understand that storing only the ICAO route doesn't give any information to the FMS regarding the right waypoint selection in case of ambiguity, but, as you say, it might not be impossible to store that information as well, after all, the standard X-Plane FMS does it. But my main issue is different: Accepting the fact that after loading a stored route, one has to answer to the WPT SEL page, I don't understand why all the other waypoints of the route are lost and have to be reentered manually, just as if they had never existed in the stored text. What happens is that after filling the WPT SEL page, when you go back to the legs page, it shows only a direct route from the just selected waypoint to the arriving airport, all the intermediate waypoints have simply ceased to exist. I am french and English is not my mother language, so I apologize if I didn't make myself clear in the first place. Cheers Michel
  5. Here are my crash experiences plus other problems: My config is : MAC OS 10.6.7 Processor : 3.33 GHz 6-core Intel Xeon, RAM 8Gp 1333 MHz DDR3 X-Plane version is 9.70 I got two kinds of crashes : 1- Desktop crash when loading X-Plane with CRJ200 as target aircraft in preferences, in that case, end of log.text is the following : Loading airplane number 0 with Aircraft/X-Aviation/CRJ-200 v1.1.1)/CRJ200.acf. Gizmo: C-Core:AircraftChanged() Gizmo: Calling OnBeforeReboot() Gizmo: Aircraft name: (CRJ200.acf) Gizmo: Aircraft path: (/Volumes/X-Plane/X-Plane 9.40/Aircraft/X-Aviation/CRJ-200 v1.1.1)/) Gizmo: X-Plane Relative Folder Path: (Aircraft/X-Aviation/CRJ-200 v1.1.1)/) Gizmo: X-Plane Relative File Path: (Aircraft/X-Aviation/CRJ-200 v1.1.1)/CRJ200.acf) Gizmo: Entered gizmo_Restart(..) Gizmo: Cleaning up.. Reset timers.. Reset menus.. Reset GUI Widgets.. Reset GUI Windows.. Reset OBJ8 handles.. Gizmo: Releasing loaded objects in array, count: 0 Reset datarefs.. Reset Bullet Physics.. Reset OpenAL.. Gizmo: Cleaning up OpenAL: Closing context and device. Reset Particle Engines.. Reset Lua.. Releasing all X-Plane overrides. Gizmo: Cleanup Finished. Gizmo: Starting up.. Gizmo: OpenAL: Using shared OpenAL context.. Init: Bullet 2.77 - http://www.bulletphysics.org/ Gizmo: Loading NAV constants.. Gizmo: Init IO Jail.. Gizmo: logging.debug: (Disabled: os.execute, os.tmpname, os.exit, io.popen) Gizmo: logging.debug: (Sandboxed: io.open, os.remove, os.rename) Gizmo: Loading Firmware.. Gizmo: LoadScript from File (firmware_init.lua) Gizmo: logging.debug: (print function patched.) Gizmo: logging.debug: (Firmware v11.4.25.1049) Gizmo: logging.debug: (Secured IO: io.open: /Volumes/X-Plane/X-Plane 9.40/Resources/plugins/Gizmo.plugin/firmware/repo_manifest.lua / r) Gizmo: logging.debug: (Secured IO: Approved safe filename for io.open: (Resources/plugins/Gizmo.plugin/firmware/repo_manifest.lua)) 32bit GL upload. RGBA src. 32bit GL upload. RGBA src. 32bit GL upload. RGBA src. 32bit GL upload. RGBA src. Gizmo: MD5: /Volumes/X-Plane/X-Plane 9.40/Aircraft/X-Aviation/CRJ-200 v1.1.1)/CRJ200.acf: c580a3908fb585d8d7383d2b9924b65f Releasing all X-Plane overrides. Gizmo: Loading init... Gizmo: LoadScript from File (init.lua) Gizmo: Event Map cleared. Gizmo: logging.debug: (CRJ200.acf) Gizmo: logging.debug: (/Volumes/X-Plane/X-Plane 9.40/Aircraft/X-Aviation/CRJ-200 v1.1.1)/) Gizmo: logging.debug: (boot) Gizmo: Completed gizmo_Restart(..) shrink-wrap: Aircraft path: (/Volumes/X-Plane/X-Plane 9.40/Aircraft/X-Aviation/CRJ-200 v1.1.1)/) Fetching plugins for X-Plane:X-Plane 9.40:Aircraft:X-Aviation:CRJ-200 v1.1.1):plugins Loaded: X-Plane:X-Plane 9.40:Aircraft:X-Aviation:CRJ-200 v1.1.1):plugins:CRJAvionics:mac.xpl. WARNING: object Aircraft/X-Aviation/CRJ-200 v1.1.1)/objects/Cockpit_PanelCentral.obj has normals of the wrong length. WARNING: object Aircraft/X-Aviation/CRJ-200 v1.1.1)/objects/Cockpit_PanelSuperior.obj has normals of the wrong length. WARNING: object Aircraft/X-Aviation/CRJ-200 v1.1.1)/objects/Cabin.obj has normals of the wrong length. WARNING: padding is not integral! (in sign '{@Y,^u}W2{@L}W2{@Y,^r}W3{@@,@L}W2{@Y,^l}GATES_V' from airport LFPO) WARNING: padding is not integral! (in sign '{@Y,^u}SOUTH{@L}W1{@Y,^r}RAMP_N{@@,@Y,^lu}W44{@L}W41{@Y,^ru}W1' from airport LFPO) Preload time: 819625. Total load time: 38 Gizmo: logging.debug: (Gizmo Shell 11.4.25) [CRJ] Loading navdata. [CRJ] 10650 airports were loaded. [CRJ] 7834 ndb were loaded. [CRJ] 4295 vor were loaded. [CRJ] 6104 ils were loaded. [CRJ] 203963 intersections were loaded. [CRJ] 8409 airways were loaded. 2- Freeze This happenes when from within X-Plane, loaded with another aircraft, I attempt to load the CRJ200. Sometimes, loading succeeds and the freeze happens when reloading CRJ200 once again. The only way out of the freeze is a reboot of the computer. Normally, during CRJ200 Loading, there is a phase where the "GIZMO" name appears in a yellow rectangle at the bottom right of the screen and then fades out. The freeze occurs just before the fading. The end of log.text is the following : Loaded: X-Plane:X-Plane 9.40:Aircraft:Perso Helico:BK-117:plugins:BK117:mac.xpl. WARNING: object Aircraft/Perso Helico/BK-117/BK-117_cockpit.obj has normals of the wrong length. WARNING: object Aircraft/Perso Helico/BK-117/BK-117_cockpit.obj has normals of the wrong length. Preload time: 1752. Gizmo: logging.debug: (Gizmo Shell 11.4.25) Loading airplane number 0 with Aircraft/X-Aviation/CRJ-200 v1.1.1)/CRJ200.acf. Gizmo: C-Core:AircraftChanged() Gizmo: Calling OnBeforeReboot() Gizmo: Aircraft name: (CRJ200.acf) Gizmo: Aircraft path: (/Volumes/X-Plane/X-Plane 9.40/Aircraft/X-Aviation/CRJ-200 v1.1.1)/) Gizmo: X-Plane Relative Folder Path: (Aircraft/X-Aviation/CRJ-200 v1.1.1)/) Gizmo: X-Plane Relative File Path: (Aircraft/X-Aviation/CRJ-200 v1.1.1)/CRJ200.acf) Gizmo: Entered gizmo_Restart(..) Gizmo: Cleaning up.. Reset timers.. Reset menus.. Reset GUI Widgets.. Reset GUI Windows.. Reset OBJ8 handles.. Gizmo: Releasing loaded objects in array, count: 0 Reset datarefs.. Reset Bullet Physics.. Reset OpenAL.. Reset Particle Engines.. Reset Lua.. Releasing all X-Plane overrides. Gizmo: Cleanup Finished. Gizmo: Starting up.. Gizmo: OpenAL: Using shared OpenAL context.. Init: Bullet 2.77 - http://www.bulletphysics.org/ Gizmo: Loading NAV constants.. Gizmo: Init IO Jail.. Gizmo: logging.debug: (Disabled: os.execute, os.tmpname, os.exit, io.popen) Gizmo: logging.debug: (Sandboxed: io.open, os.remove, os.rename) Gizmo: Loading Firmware.. Gizmo: LoadScript from File (firmware_init.lua) Gizmo: logging.debug: (print function patched.) Gizmo: logging.debug: (Firmware v11.4.25.1049) Gizmo: logging.debug: (Secured IO: io.open: /Volumes/X-Plane/X-Plane 9.40/Resources/plugins/Gizmo.plugin/firmware/repo_manifest.lua / r) Gizmo: logging.debug: (Secured IO: Approved safe filename for io.open: (Resources/plugins/Gizmo.plugin/firmware/repo_manifest.lua)) 32bit GL upload. RGBA src. 32bit GL upload. RGBA src. 32bit GL upload. RGBA src. 32bit GL upload. RGBA src. Gizmo: MD5: /Volumes/X-Plane/X-Plane 9.40/Aircraft/X-Aviation/CRJ-200 v1.1.1)/CRJ200.acf: c580a3908fb585d8d7383d2b9924b65f Releasing all X-Plane overrides. Gizmo: Loading init... Gizmo: LoadScript from File (init.lua) Gizmo: Event Map cleared. Gizmo: logging.debug: (CRJ200.acf) Gizmo: logging.debug: (/Volumes/X-Plane/X-Plane 9.40/Aircraft/X-Aviation/CRJ-200 v1.1.1)/) Gizmo: logging.debug: (boot) Gizmo: Completed gizmo_Restart(..) shrink-wrap: Aircraft path: (/Volumes/X-Plane/X-Plane 9.40/Aircraft/X-Aviation/CRJ-200 v1.1.1)/) Fetching plugins for X-Plane:X-Plane 9.40:Aircraft:X-Aviation:CRJ-200 v1.1.1):plugins Loaded: X-Plane:X-Plane 9.40:Aircraft:X-Aviation:CRJ-200 v1.1.1):plugins:CRJAvionics:mac.xpl. WARNING: object Aircraft/X-Aviation/CRJ-200 v1.1.1)/objects/Cockpit_PanelCentral.obj has normals of the wrong length. WARNING: object Aircraft/X-Aviation/CRJ-200 v1.1.1)/objects/Cockpit_PanelSuperior.obj has normals of the wrong length. WARNING: object Aircraft/X-Aviation/CRJ-200 v1.1.1)/objects/Cabin.obj has normals of the wrong length. Preload time: 1993. Gizmo: logging.debug: (IPC kickoff) shrink-wrap: License file: (/Volumes/X-Plane/X-Plane 9.40/Aircraft/X-Aviation/CRJ-200 v1.1.1)/license_key.txt) shrink-wrap: License Verified. Sending Systems. Gizmo: Plugin Message: com.x-aviation.shrink-wrap is sending us a text chunk of Lua script. Gizmo: LoadScript from Buffer (com.x-aviation.shrink-wrap/text/xpl-ipc) Gizmo: Event Map cleared. Gizmo: logging.debug: (Gizmo Shell 11.4.25) [CRJ] Loading navdata. [CRJ] 10650 airports were loaded. [CRJ] 7834 ndb were loaded. [CRJ] 4295 vor were loaded. [CRJ] 6104 ils were loaded. [CRJ] 203963 intersections were loaded. [CRJ] 8409 airways were loaded. Of course, I went through all the tedious procedure described in your 2486 topic. In the demo mode with minimal plugin config, no crash. I then reactivated my original X-Plane version with minimal plugin config, no crash. I reintroduced my original plugins, one by one, the surprise was that after reinstalling everything as before, neither the crash nor the freeze reappeared. So I am back from where I started and I am unable to reproduce the problem. I am afraid that it still there somewhere and will eventually come back. I have 2 other issues, the first might well be related with the crash bug : - Lack of fluidity issue : With reasonable objects rendering settings, I have good frame rate and good fluidity with all my aircraft, including the most demanding with the exception of the CRJ200. With CRJ200, the frame rate is extremely unstable, always jumping between 15 and 60. Furthermore, even when it reads 60, all movements are slow and jerky, to the point that the aircraft is almost impossible to fly. Reducing more and more the rendering settings makes very little change. Fluidity is better with demo version so I still have some investigation to make about plugin compatibility. - FMS issue : During input of a flight plan, when an ambiguous waypoint is entered, the FMS asks for precision. This choice is taken into account in the flight plan. This is OK. Unfortunately, when the route is saved, the full identity of the waypoint is not memorized and the ambiguity remains in the stored route. This is bad enough but the worst is still to come : When a saved route is loaded, the FMS asks once more to select between the possible waypoints with the same name, IT does take into account the selected one but, all the subsequent waypoints in the flight plan are deleted and must be manually reentered one by one! The overall conclusion is that in the present state, I find the aircraft useless. Considering it's outstanding graphic qualities, it is a great pity. I know you are working hard on it and I am sure that you will succeed. All the best to you all.
  6. woweezowee, Sorry, I don't understand what you mean. For me, the door can be opened from the outside only by moving the camera from inside the cockpit to outside and I see no way to record and store that position.
  7. This is not a bug report, it is a suggestion for future improvement : the door with it's stairs is neatly modeled but opening and closing it is a tedious process. Would it be possible in a future release to add a key command, preferably the same as in the default "Cirrus TheJet"? Congratulations for your beautiful creation.
  8. Another crash: It occurs with the FMS in POS INIT After typing the airport ident, the crash happens when I press the LK2 to enter the information My system : MAC PRO 6-core Intel Xeon westmere processor. RAM 8 Go. MACOS 10.6.7 No problem with hardware test. X-Plane v9.68
  9. I have many problems with your CRJ200, I feel like an early beta tester! here is one of them: after loading the CRJ, if I select another aircraft, it loads normally except if that aircraft is the X737, then X-Plane crashes. Here are the last lines of the log.text : [CRJ] Loading navdata. [CRJ] 10613 airports were loaded. [CRJ] 7856 ndb were loaded. [CRJ] 4289 vor were loaded. [CRJ] 6069 ils were loaded. [CRJ] 202244 intersections were loaded. [CRJ] 8365 airways were loaded. HASP USB-key message: hasp_login: no driver installed HASP USB-key message: hasp_login: no driver installed XHSI: custom pilot DataRefs initialized XHSI: custom copilot DataRefs initialized WARNING: texture Aircraft/Perso comm-Jet/Boeing 737-800_x737_v4_2_2 !!/737_icon.png has a size that is not a power of 2; it may not render correctly. Loading airplane number 0 with Aircraft/Perso comm-Jet/Boeing 737-800_x737_v4_2_2 !!/737.acf. Fetching plugins for X-Plane:X-Plane 9.40:Aircraft:Perso comm-Jet:Boeing 737-800_x737_v4_2_2 !!:plugins Base livery: X-Plane:X-Plane 9.40:Aircraft:Perso comm-Jet:Boeing 737-800_x737_v4_2_2 !!: livery path: Aircraft:Perso comm-Jet:Boeing 737-800_x737_v4_2_2 !!:liveries:Continental Airlines: Livery Path (relative): liveries:Continental Airlines: Livery Path (absolute): X-Plane:X-Plane 9.40:Aircraft:Perso comm-Jet:Boeing 737-800_x737_v4_2_2 !!:liveries:Continental Airlines:conf:x737.cnf Comparing with normal loading log.text, The crash seems to take place when X-Plane tries to initialize the X737 plugin (yes, it is located in the aircraft folder, not in the resources/plugins folder) If I delete the vascore folder from the plugin folder, the problem disappears, but of course the CRJ200 loses most of it's functionalities. First time I encounter a problem when loading the X737 (or any other aircraft). Next test: I leave the vascore folder out of the plugin folder, I open X-Plane and load the X737, no problem. I then quit X-Plane and put vascore back in the plugin folder. I launch X-Plane which should open and automatically load X737. Crash! Conclusion : there is a conflict between the X737 plugin and the CRJ200 plugin. There are also severe reverse thrust and AP problems related with The CRJ200 plugin, but these are for other threads... Considering the number of defaults I keep stumbling on, I am afraid that you won't have a quiet night sleep for a long time. Here are some details on my system : MAC PRO 6-core Intel Xeon westmere processor. RAM 8 Go. MACOS 10.6.7 No problem with hardware test. X-Plane v9.68 Good lock and congratulations for this aircraft, when finished, it will be amazing.
  10. I have no access to this patch, tells me that the download date has expired! What's the point of issuing a patch if the regular customer can't get it after the initial download limit date? I do have problems with the initial download, it doesn't load any plugin in my resources/plugin folder.
  11. This aircraft is superb. Congratulations for this amazing 3D work. Here are two small suggestions for improvement : 1- The turn coordinator's ball moves in the wrong direction and too far. It can disappear from view. 2- There is a small slit between the top of the instrument panel and the bottom of the front window. It becomes very obvious when the sky is clear. See attached screen capture.
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