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Everything posted by wolfram44

  1. I had the above mentioned problem again with Washington Dulles airport with the sequentially appearing runway as I flew over. I deleted the airport terminal building scenery and runway appeared again. Checked the scenery I had used and it was: Baltimore/Washington D.C. area Scenery Package for X-Plane 8.06 by Ted Davis TheoSDavis@aol.com Readme file indicates it was written for Xplane 8.06 so maybe that is the problem. Also then installed airport scenery for Reagan Intl and had no problem there either.
  2. I don't see the problem I had, but I do have KJFK airport from Naps Sceneries installed. Doesn't look like you have any terminal scenery loaded.
  3. I removed XSB and all is well. I will ck to see if I have the latest XSB 64 though.
  4. Guess issue is not gone after all. See sequence of screen shots showing flyover of Rnwy 310 at KJFK. Progression shows approach with only 1/2 of runway lites on. Then sequentially, rest of runway comes on then ramp illumination and last the pole lights. Using the new 1.3 script with white aerosoft light tweak.
  5. OK.. adding the aerosoft sky tools "lights" seemed to do the job. Wondered how I can fix the intense star filter effect on the ramp lighting at KJFK? Thanks for the help.
  6. OK...downloaded the 1.02 code. Still having the same issue. City lights are ok now, but airport runway lights and general airport lighting only illuminate when I'm almost overhead. I was using KJFK as a test. At first I tried KTPA which of course is a smaller airport and it was fine. I am also using the latest Lua I could find. I do have the Raleigh tweak in the plugins also, but have not installed the Aerosoft sky tools light tweak. I am using HDR in gfx settings.
  7. Love the night lites, but on my airport approaches, The runway lights don't appear until I'm almost touched down. Then they just pop into view. The same with streetlights. Is there any adjustment to increase the visibility distance for the lights.
  8. A question: Does skymaxx pro read and interpret metar data to simulate weather? Also can it generate multi cloud layers according to cloud type and altitude from the metar data?
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