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Everything posted by Ayki

  1. When you guys releasing it? i am waiting for you, i need to buy it to create my X-plane 11 videos @2K . Default clouds are not good enough!
  2. Sorry for the late replay. I wanted to write this for future post readers like me. NOTE: I am a Win10-PC user. Always check your hardware from drivers, for example do not take xplane data as reference (skymax 3.0 show correct ram amounts as stated). According to my limit tests for my hardware skymaxx show same amount of available ram with MSI Afterburner and EVGA Precision. Also if you see "NOT RESPONDING" on the title do not shut down immediately, wait a little and let system to do what it is doing. TL DR; use MSI Afterburner or EVGA Precision for VRAM, use HWinfo for System Ram and CPU usage (Task manager is also ok). Edit: My system for xplane is 3770@4.2, 16gb ram, 980GTX (oc), 850 pro ssd
  3. any updates?
  4. How the hell i missed this! Marvelous!!! FS Passenger add-on was one of my favorites for Flight Simulator X, still looking for an addon like that. It makes you feel you are not alone. If any update for SSG 747, going to buy it. LF for it!
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