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kylegavin11 last won the day on November 19 2017

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  1. Hello, until recently I've never used the 20k (normal rated) option for takeoff with the IXEG. Departing from Denver I noticed that when I press the toga button (x2 of course) the N1 will always raise to ~84.7% unless I 1) manually adjust it once accelerated past 84 knots or 2) disengage the auto throttle below 84 and adjust manually or 3) Press the 18.5K de-rate option in the FMC BEFORE 84 knots and it will adjust to the 18.5 n1 AND if I press the 20K again (after pressing 18.5) the thrust will advance to the once desired 20k thrust option, and then some (Only If I can press in in-time, past 84 knots it will not work ( as expected). I've tried using the 20k option at sea level airports like (LAX) and takeoff went as expected, and some hot/high airports like PHX, MMX, ABQ where results varied based on the airports I'm not entirely sure if it's just something I'm doing wrong, an actual bug or possibly the plane being passive aggressive about me using full thrust I have noticed that when the TOGA advancement operates normally there is a brief pause around ~84.7% I've posted a short demonstration about the issue on youtube: Also note: Rebooting gizmo each time had no effect on the issue, also properly setting up the FMC, and MCP did not have an effect on the issue
  2. No soft crashes previous to this occurring, I did notice something was not right on the ground when it told me the airplane could not do FL330 and 310. GizmoLog.txt IXEG_FMS_debug.txt
  3. I've noticed that when pressing the TOGA buttons sometimes it will only increase the thrust to 84% and not the set N1 in the fmc, and other times it works fine? Is there something I'm doing wrong or is that just a small bug. I know that it briefly pauses at 84% N1 to stabilize the engines before proceeded to takeoff N1, but sometimes it will just stop at 84
  4. Makes sense now, I forgot that mode C doesn't actually start working until takeoff in the real world, as simulated in the 737 classic. Thank you both for the clarification!
  5. On my vatsim flights with the 737 classic I notice that I am constantly reminded to squawk mode C after pushback. I know that ASD-X is not simulated so vatsim uses mode C as an alternative but I'm confused because my transponder is on mode C? Is this a problem with vatsim or the 737 classic, or am I just doing something wrong
  6. Know how to fly the 737, 747, 757/767 or 787? Fly Boeing Virtual Airlines is hiring Chief Pilots for those vary positions! If interested please contact Khajian@flyboeingva.org or mmurray@flyboeingva.org for an application or more information.

  7. LOL
  8. This looks great, can't wait for it to come out. I have all your 767's too, i was wondering that once this is released are you going to continue work on the 767?
  9. I am not sure what to think about this, but i found it extremely funny
  10. For the entire 767 series i have a little bug where switching to mach mode just says 0.00, im in xplane 10 so im assuming that's why. Would anybody know if there is a way to fix this?
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