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Everything posted by StormyPilot

  1. Thank you for the quick reply Japo. After your response I re-installed the newest sound drivers for my Soundblaster Audigy SE card just to make sure it wasn't on account of faulty drivers, as it doesn't seem to be a widespread problem. It still appears though, so I've recorded the jet engines with the "popping" sound with it and I've attached a copy. The popping sound is first heard at about 10 seconds. (lifted a speaker up to the recording device) StormyPilot ATG_Javelin_engine_popping_sound.zip
  2. The photographic scenery released by RC is a complicated mesh of the UK with a photographic layer on top, there is no airport scenery included, well besides the photographic picture you'll get of them from top. I have had posted a query onto Gary Simmons (UK2000 scenery) forums asking about released for X-Plane. He is still working on his conversion tool, though low-priority, but he estimated that we might possibly be seeing some of his work released for X-Plane towards the end of this year.
  3. Hello, thanks for a great aircraft that is a pleasure to fly. There is one thing that is starting to irk me though, every few seconds at a measureable interval there is a slight "static thudd" sort of sound in the engine sound loop. The best way to describe it would be to liken it with the electric discharge sound you might get through your speakers as you are plugging in your soundcable into a soundsystem and the plug gets a static discharge as it just touches the outside of the input. - Windows7 64-bit - Soundblaster Audigy soundcard - Heard both via soundsystem and headphones - Only aircraft of dozens of freeware and payware that has this - More noticeable at higher speeds with greater to full throttle. I hope you have a solution to this as it is starting to take away from the enjoyment of flying this otherwise great jet. Regards, StormyPilot.
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