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  1. File Name: DesignXPlaneObjects Manual File Submitter: tesal File Submitted: 20 Oct 2013 File Category: Plugins and Utilities This manual is intended for newbies and summarizes my learning experience to develop aircraft models for X-Plane The manual covers the following items: 1. Getting and processing the Blueprints 2. Preparing the master images to be used in the Texture Map 3. Notes on developing an aircraft model using Plane-Maker 4. Using AC3D to develop the aircraft X-Plane objects 5. Using the AC3D texture Coordinator 6. Animations 7. Tuning the AC3D model to the Plane Maker model 8. Exporting the AC3D files as X-Plane objects 9. 3D cockpits basic design You may use this manual and included attachments freely and without any type of restrictionClick here to download this file
  2. Version 01


    This manual is intended for newbies and summarizes my learning experience to develop aircraft models for X-Plane The manual covers the following items: 1. Getting and processing the Blueprints 2. Preparing the master images to be used in the Texture Map 3. Notes on developing an aircraft model using Plane-Maker 4. Using AC3D to develop the aircraft X-Plane objects 5. Using the AC3D texture Coordinator 6. Animations 7. Tuning the AC3D model to the Plane Maker model 8. Exporting the AC3D files as X-Plane objects 9. 3D cockpits basic designYou may use this manual and included attachments freely and without any type of restriction
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